
Lorenzo Pedrazzini

Lorenzo Pedrazzini is a Swiss writer and entrepreneur, native of Ticino, born in 1959, in Sion. Valais. He is a graduate of IUHEI (International Relations) and HEC, Geneva. He belongs to an old patrician family, among others active in banking in Germany, Holland and Great Britain in the 17th century, who have provided some bishops to the Roman Catholic Church since the 16th century. Even a pope (Benedetto Odescalchi, Innocent XI). He is the grandson of two former Swiss Education Ministers (Martino Pedrazzini (1843-1922) and Joseph Burgener (1872-1964)). Together with François Micheli, Lorenzo founded in 2000 the first Swiss independent asset management company (AMI SA) , member of the Colliers International network since 2002. Lorenzo is currently the CO-CEO of Colliers International Suisse Romande SA and the member of many boards, companies or institutions managing real estate investment. Through the public brand “Oznerol”, Lorenzo has multiplied since 2003 social events in favor of local woman organizations; among others, always playing the unique role (painter, solist, singer, performer and producer, actor) : paintings (2002, 2015), rock concerts (Chat Noir, 2005), classic music (piano performance, Conservatoire de Genève, 2009), theater (Antigone, les Salons, 2011), cinema (Mephista, 2012)… He wrote and continues to write many articles in Swiss financial or political newspapers (AGEFI, Le Temps) and many reference books about real estate financial valuation, published by academic editors in French and German (Georg, Presses Polytechniques Universitaires, Versus Verlag). He is also the author of the “Manifeste Chosiste” and “Nouveau Manifeste Chosiste” (1996 and 2002, Spandau Verlag), essays on a new personalist philosophy. He is known for having been the first one to impose in Switzerland a systematic financial analysis of the real estate asset class, considering this type of investment as a pure financial product. Together with François Micheli, he developed , among other theories, the equation of the “prix max”, a maximum investment price above which – according to the elementary assumptions involved into a cash flow model – no investments make sense. In other words, this theory measures the risk of investment or of any premium an investor would pay. This is developed in two of his books : L’évaluation des actifs immobiliers and Le prix des Immeubles, cas pratiques (fourth updated edition to be available in December 2015).

References Bibliography • "L'évaluation des actifs immobiliers", Georg Editeur, Genève 1998 • "Le prix des immeubles, dix cas pratiques", Georg Editeur, Genève, 2000 • "Le prix des immeubles, dix cas pratiques + 1", Editions polytechniques de Lausanne, 2008 Media • “Bureaux vides malgré la pénurie de logements: entretien avec Lorenzo Pedrazzini, expert immobilier », RTS, http://www.rts.ch/play/tv/le-19h30/video/bureaux-vides-malgre-la-penurie-de-logements-entretien-avec-lorenzo-pedrazzini-expert-immobilier?id=4715168 • « Un dogme insolite: deux logements, un emploi », Le Temps, http://www.letemps.ch/Page/Uuid/5e8fb234-fa41-11e3-becf-b7f9645726d2/Un_dogme_insolite_deux_logements_un_emploi • « Immobilier et effet courant d’air » ; L’AGEFI ; http://www.agefi.com/quotidien-agefi/une/detail/edition/2013-09-24/article/de-lutilite-danalyser-le-marche-immobilier-sur-25-ans-en-le-comparant-avec-dautres-actifs.html • « La nécessité démontrée de l’amortissement », L’AGEFI, http://www.agefi.com/quotidien-agefi/une/detail/edition/2014-06-13/article/immobilier-se-couvrir-du-risque-hypothecaire-nest-pas-complique-156%25-damortissement-par-an.html • Risque déflationniste et prix de l’immobilier, L’AGEFI, http://www.agefi.com/quotidien-agefi/forum-blogs/detail/edition/2014-11-03/article/risque-deflationniste-et-prix-de-limmobilier-385086.html