Utilisateur:Monsieur H.J./Brouillon

Pays d'origine Drapeau des États-Unis États-Unis
Genre musical Death metal, death metal mélodique, goregrind
Années actives Depuis 1995
Labels Willowtip Records
Site officiel http://www.impaled.info
Composition du groupe
Membres Jason Kocol
Ross Sewage
Raul Varela
Leon del Muerte
Sean "Bloodbath" McGrath
Anciens membres Jared Deaver
Jeremy Frye
Ron Dorn
Andrew LaBarre

Impaled est un groupe de death metal et de goregrind américain, originaire de Oakland en Californie et formé en 1995.



The band was founded by guitarist Sean McGrath in late 1996, who joined with drummer Raul Varela, guitarist Jared Deaver (ex-Deeds of Flesh, ex-Severed Savior) and bassist Ron Dorn to record their 1997 demo Septic Vomit.

In 1998, Leon del Muerte, former guitarist for Exhumed, was added to the line-up as a lead vocalist. With the departure of Jared Deaver, del Muerte took on second guitar duties in addition to lead vocals. Due to schedule conflicts as regards touring, Ron Dorn was asked to leave and was temporarily replaced by bassist Ross Sewage, who concurrently was playing with Exhumed and Ludicra. Sewage later opted to become a full-time member of Impaled.

In 1999, the band released a second demo, From Here to Colostomy, for which the band gained some recognition. A year later, the band were invited to contribute to a split 7" record with deathgrind band Cephalic Carnage by Italian label Headfucker Records. The band then released its first full-length album The Dead Shall Dead Remain, which was followed by a tour of the US with Nile and Incantation.

In the same year, the band went on to release a 7" split with Engorged and toured again, this time with death metal bands Vader and Skinless. Impaled also recorded tracks for tribute albums for both Carcass and Impetigo. Soon after the tour, del Muerte departed, to be replaced by guitarist Andrew LaBarre, formerly of Hoarfrost and Prevail.

The new line-up recorded Mondo Medicale in 2002, to relative acclaim from metal fans. The album invited public scrutiny for its cover art, which was supposedly being banned in several countries (the album was later re-released with a censored version of the original artwork). However, in interviews members of the band have stated that the sticker that can be found on some copies of the album proclaiming "Banned in 84 Countries" was merely a publicity stunt. Soon after touring for Mondo Medicale, LaBarre left the band and was replaced by Jason Kocol.

In 2004, the concept album Death After Life was recorded, with production duties undertaken by Trey Spruance. It wasn't released until 2005 due to scheduling difficulties at the label.

Impaled members Sean McGrath and Ross Sewage also play in the band Ghoul, who have released four albums.

In 2007, the band signed to Willowtip Records for the European distribution of their new album. Their next album, The Last Gasp, was completed in August and released November 5, 2007. Leaked versions of the album appeared on various P2P networks in the leading months, which were a prank by the band themselves and contained the track "Captain Butt-beard the Pirate", which taunted and insulted the listener for their thievery.



Albums studio

  • 2000 : The Dead Shall Dead Remain
  • 2002 : Mondo Medicale
  • 2005 : Death After Life
  • 2007 : The Last Gasp
  • 2013 : The Dead Still Dead Remain



Liens externes


Le droit de la musique se définit comme la branche du droit recouvrant l'ensemble des règles de droit régissant les relations entre acteurs de l'industrie musicale.

Il s'agit d'une matière transversale, aux frontières du droit d'auteur, des droits voisins et du droit du travail.

En France, il est principalement régit par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle et le Code du travail

Le droit de la musique en général


Droit d'auteur :

articles L.111-1 et suivants du Code civil.

Il ressort de l'article L.112-2 du Code de la propriété intellectuelle que :

Sont considérés notamment comme œuvres de l'esprit au sens du présent code :

"les oeuvres dramatiques ou dramatico-musicales" et "les compositions musicales avec ou sans paroles" ;

critères classiques du droit d'auteur: l'originalité réside dans la mélodie, le rythme et l'harmonie.

+ œuvres dériviées (variations, arrangements, etc).

Droit des artistes interprêtes:

Droit des producteurs de phonogrammes

Sociétés de gestion collective:

droit d'auteur : SACEM A-I : : adami, spedidam, producteurs : scpp (majors), sppf (indépendants)

Le droit de la musique par pays


Voir aussi


Articles connexes


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Le droit et la musique


  • Jean Vincent, Droits d'auteur et droits voisins : musique, spectacle vivant, cinéma, audiovisuel, image (Aide-mémoire La Scène), Millénaire Presse, 2009
  • André Bertrand, La musique et le droit. De Bach à Internet, Litec, 2002