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Discussion:Liste des îles de l'océan Atlantique/Suppression



Zerzura (en arabe: زرزورة) est une ville ou oasis mythique.

La rumeur


Selon la rumeur, Zerzura a existé dans le désert à l'ouest du Nil en Égypte ou Lybie. Dans Kitab al Kanuz, un manuscrit arabe datant du XIIIe siècle ou du XVe siècle les auteurs inconnus décrivent une cité qu'ils nomment L'Oasis des petits oiseaux. Un roi et une reine endormis auprès d'un trésor sont gardés par des géants noirs qui empêchent quiconque d'entre ou de sortir du site.Il convient de tenir compte de la part de légendes répandues par des tribus noires Tebu qui nomadisent dans le Tchad et en Lybie et dont les ancêtres effectuaient des razzias dans les oasis du Sahara.

Plus récemment, des explorations européennes ont recherché Zerzura dans le désert, mais sans aucun succès. Au XX, le britannique Ralph Bagnold et le hongrois László Almásy ont conduit une expédition en 1929-1930 dans une Ford T. En 1932, Almásy et Patrick Clayton découvrirent au cours d'une reconnaissance aérienne deux vallées dans le Gilf al-Kabir. L'année suivante, Almásy, encore lui, trouva un troisième oued et se considérait proche de sa quête. De son côté Bagnold admettait qu'il s'agissait d'une simple légende.

En 1930, un club Zerzura fut créé regroupant les explorateurs. Ils devinrent amis et plusieurs d'entre-eux servirent comme officiers dans l'armée britannique au cours de le Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Zerzura the white city


According to the historical writings from the scribes of an emir in Benghazi, Libya in 1481, a camel driver named Hamid Keila came to Benghazi in bad shape and recounted to the emir that he had been to the city of Zerzura. Apparently Hamid Keila and a caravan had been heading out from the Nile River to the oases of Dakhla(Darkhla/Dakhilah) and Kharga(Kharijah) and were caught in a vicious sandstorm that killed everyone except Keila who apparently survived under the shelter of his dead camel. After the storm passed, the man had emerged from the camel to find himself confused by the lay of the land because the storm changed all the familiar landmarks. It was when Keila was becoming delirious from having no water that a group of strange men found him. The men were said to be tall with fair hair and blue eyes, carrying straight swords instead of Arab scimitars, who then took the camel driver back to a city called Zerzura to tend to him. Zerzura was indeed described as a white city that was approachable through a wadi(valley) that ran between two mountains, and from the wadi was a road that lead to the gates of the city which had a carving of a strange bird above them. Within the city were white houses of inner luxury, palms, springs, and pools that were used by fair-skinned women and children for washing and bathing. Hamid Keila recounted that the Zerzurans, or "El Suri", treated him with kindness and spoke a strange form of Arabic that was difficult for him to understand but was carefully explained to him by the Suri, who apparently weren't Muslim because the women wore no veils and no mosques could be found in the city, nor did Hamid Keila hear any calls to prayer by a muezzin.

The camel driver told this story to the emir months after being in Zerzura, and the emir asked him how it was that he came to be in Benghazi at present. Hamid grew uncomfortable with the questioning and told him that he had escaped from Zerzura one night. The emir then asked why it was necessary to escape if the Suri treated him with kindness, and the camel driver had trouble explaining. The emir suspected something strange and had Keila searched by his guards, who found a precious ruby set in a gold ring hidden on the man. The emir then asked how he got the ring, but Keila couldn't say. Figuring he'd stolen it from the Suri, the emir had Keila taken out into the desert to have his hands cut off. The emir believed the man's story because he and his men later went out into the wasteland to find Zerzura, but never did, though it is possible that the emir did not look in the right area of the desert.

According to unknown sources, the ring supposedly came into possession of Libya's King Idris, who was overthrown by in 1969 by Muammar al-Gaddafi and his Revolutionary Command Council. It is said that the ring has been studied by many experts who claim it is of great value, and it is speculated that it was crafted by Europeans in the 12th century, suggesting that the Zerzurans who had it before Hamid Keila stole it may have been the remnants of early European crusaders who got lost in the Sahara on their way to or back from Jerusalem and set up their own habitat in the desert. However, there oddly seems to be no information about the supposed ring made available by any sources, nor is there any evidence of its existence. Furthermore, because Hamid Keila was the narrator of the Zerzura tale, it is possible that he may have been the anonymous author of the Kitab al Kanuz(Book of Hidden Treasures) since his plight occurred in the 15th century, as the manuscript was also published at that time.

Books About Zerzura



  • Kelly, Saul. The Lost Oasis: The Desert War and the Hunt for Zerzura. Westview Press, 2002. (ISBN 0-7195-6162-0) (HC)
  • The Book of Hidden Treasures (Kitab al Kanuz)
  • Sussman, Paul. The Hidden Oasis (ISBN 978-0-553-81873-4)

Petit tableau

Années Parti Total
Républicain Démocrate
XX-XX ? ? ?
XX-XX ? ? ?
Île/ Archipel Nb d'îles superficie (km2) population capitale divers
Bahamas 700 13 943 392 873 Nassau
Îles Turques-et-Caïques 30 948 51 507 Cockburn Town
Cuba 110 860 11 253 000 La Havane
Hispaniola Haïti/Rép.dominicaine 76 480 20 892 062 Port-au-Prince/Saint-Domingue
Porto Rico 8 870 3 337 177 San Juan Îles Vierges espagnoles
Jamaïque 11 425 2 950 210 Kingston
Îles Caïmans 3 260 44 270 George Town
Îles Vierges britanniques 50 153 28 054 Road Town
Îles Vierges des États-Unis 3 346 104 983 Charlotte-Amélie
Anguilla 91 17 087 The Valley
Saint-Martin Fr/PB 93 75 000 Marigot /Philipsburg pop répartie par moitié
Saint-Barthélemy 24 9 427 Gustavia
Saba PB 13 1 991
Saint-Eustache PB 21 2 886
Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès 2 261 52 329 Basseterre Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis
Montserrat xxx 102 5 164 Plymouth
Antigua-et-Barbuda 2 442 92 436 Saint John's
Guadeloupe Fr 1 628 397 990 Basse Terre Pointe-à-Pitre/ Marie-Galante, La Désirade
Dominique 754 73 607 Roseau
Martinique 1 128 380 877 Fort-de-France
Sainte-Lucie xxx 620 187 768 Castries
Saint-Vincent xxx 346 108 600
Les Grenadines 600 3/4 St Vincent ; 1/4 Grenade
Grenade xxx 348 90 343 St. George's
Barbade xxx 430 290 604 Bridgetown
Trinitad xxx 4 748 1 754 897 Port d'Espagne
Tobago xxx 300 54 084
Margarita Ven. 1 072 489 917
Bonaire PB 288 12 000
Curaçao PB 450 150 563
Aruba PB 193 112 162
Bermudes xxx 54 70 196 Hamilton

Sur la Vénus de Milo
