
XrisP is a South Korean animation and entertainment company that was founded in 2012 by Xris Sohn. This company provides service on planning, producing and publishing for the creation of the initial content source. (XrisP = Xris + Planning, Producing, Publishing). The purpose of XrisP is to make the connection between Contents, Hardware and Software. Its claim to fame is 'Nori, Rollercoaster Boy' that is being broadcasted on KBS, that is the one of the biggest South Korean television networks. XrisP cooperates in Europe with Mondo TV that is one of the major production and distribution animation companies in Europe and Henan York Animation Film in China.

Since it was created, XrisP is an award-winning company. (Thailand award for best internationale invention, Won the price from the Small and Medium Business Administration, Knowledge service establishment, Won the 1St Grand for "Outstanding founder" from Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Developmente etc.)


[[Catégorie:Korean animation studio]] [[Catégorie:South korea animation]] [[Catégorie:Media company of south korea]] [[Catégorie:Film production]] [[Catégorie:Entertainment company of South Korea]] {{DEFAULTSORT:XrisP company}}

  1. « XrisP - Crispy contents/ Korea », sur XrisP - Crispy contents/ Korea (consulté le )
  2. (en) « XrisP », sur www.koreanfilm.or.kr (consulté le )
  3. (en) « Korean product list from XrisP Co.,Ltd at buyKOREA », sur seller.buykorea.org (consulté le )
  4. (en) « Mondo tv S.P.A - LIBRARY NORI », sur www.mondotv.it (consulté le )
  5. (en) « Nori on KBS », sur KBS