
Reminiz is a facial recognition system developed as a mobile app and a professional API. Reminiz was founded in 2013 by Jack Habra and has since, earned notoriety towards large brands with an award winning service. Reminiz was elected "Best Start-up of 2014" by Bouygues Telecom [1] [2] and is also a laureate of the Appcampus funding program launched by Microsoft and Nokia indeed [3].

Reminiz is best known for its celebrities recognition capabilities. The technology uses the smartphone built-in camera to take a brief photo of the celebrity that users want to identify. The system then creates a digital signature based on the photo and compares it against a central database for a match. When the match is found, it sends information such as biography or news related to the recognized celebrity back to the user [4]. Actors, singers, sportsmen, writers, columnists or politicians can be recognized by Reminiz technology, however, the technology does not intend to identify infamous persons in order to protect public privacy [5]

In 2013, Reminiz has also partnered with Microsoft [6] and Orange within their respective acceleration programs, Microsoft Ventures Paris and Orange Fab France [7] [8].

  1. Le Monde, « Trois startups françaises qui surfent sur la 4G », sur le site Le Monde, January 2014 .
  2. Les Echos, « Une nouvelle vague de start-up», sur le site Les Echos, December 2013
  3. Maddyness, « #Startup : Participer à un concours est-il une bonne chose pour une jeune entreprise?», sur le site Maddyness, September 2014
  4. L'Express, « Reminiz: le Shazam des visages», sur le site L'Express, June 2014
  5. Canal+, « La Nouvelle Edition», sur le site Canal+, May 2014
  6. TechCrunch, « Microsoft Ventures Paris Showcases 9 Startups At Its Demo Day», sur le site TechCrunch, February 2014
  7. Le Figaro, «Orange: cinq nouvelles start-ups pour Orange Fab France.», sur le site Figaro Bourse, December 2014
  8. Planet Biometrics, «Orange includes facial recognition startup in programme», sur le site Planet Biometrics", December 2014