
Child abuse refers to any violence with serious consequences on the physical, psychological and psychological development of the child.

There are three main categories of violence:

  • Physical violence: It's the use of force against a child. It can be injured or riskr to be. The child can be hit (by hand or with an object), beaten, he can be strangled...
  • Psychological violence: They represent verbal threats, social isolation, intimidation, demanding too much of the child, terrorizing him, exploiting him (work…), exposing him to danger, to violence (for example committed by a parent on the other parent or on another child)...
  • Sexual violence: The child's body is used for sexual purposes. Sexual abuse includes forcing or including a child to participate in sexual activities, including prostitution, the child may be aware of what is happening or not. There may or may not be a contact. They can include no contact activities, such as getting children to Watch sexual activities or to Watch/ produce sexual images, or to encourage children to engage in inappropriate sexual behavior.

A child can be a victim of one or more forms of violence. They may or may not be frequent.

The results for the child can be many:

  • The child may have developmental and/ or learning problems. Abuse can have a strong impact on learning.
  • The child may have behavorial and/ or mental health problems (sadness, isolation, depression, suicide ideas, addictions, eating problems). He may also have behavorial problems (agressivity, violence, hyperactivity…).
  • Abused children are more likely to experience precarious social situations (unemployment, housing problems…).

The law of March 14, 2016 concern the protection of the child. In this law, the child is considered as a subject and no longer as a member of a family