

What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is first of all the act of making unwelcome sexual remarks and physical advances in a workplace, enterprise or social place. This can be characterized by aggression, deliberate touching, leaning over, etc.

Causes of Sexual Harassment

  • A Culture that Implies Acceptance.
  • Not Understanding Harassment.
  • Poorly Managed Policies and Procedures.
  • Excessive Stress.

(Huber & Bean,2021)

Consequences of Sexual Harassment

Victims of sexual harassment can suffer significant effects including;




-sleep disorders

-weight loss or gain

-nausea etc.


Solutions to this problem

  • Make it Crystal Clear that Sexual Harassment Prevention is a Company Priority.
  • Make Sure That Employees and Management Understand What Sexual Harassment Is.
  • Keep Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Positive


Information gotten from Google and Wikipedia