
The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations is an international philanthropic network promoting arts, entrepreneurship, health and philanthropy best practices. These Foundations are harnessing a longstanding heritage, promoting excellence and driving change across their projects[1][2][3]. The network is comprised of ten foundations in France, Switzerland, Spain, the United States and Israel which develop over a hundred programs across twenty countries[4][5].



The main mission of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations is to promote empowerment for an inclusive and collaborative society[6]. These principles have been the driving force since 2005, when Ariane and Benjamin de Rothschild set out upon the transformation of their family’s philanthropic legacy.

In an interview, Ariane de Rothschild declared that the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations have moved from a “philanthropy of grant donations without expectations to a model of return on engagement”[7]. They apply an entrepreneurial approach to giving and the professionalization of the philanthropic sector more broadly.

The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations build a tight network of partnerships favouring mainly co-development and experimentation labs. The methodology combines cross-fertilization, entrepreneurial drive and innovation with a view to identify and fructify impactful philanthropic solutions[8][9].

Main projects


The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations have a longstanding tradition of promoting the arts. Each generation has made its own contribution to building an exceptional philanthropic legacy, and current initiatives continue to exemplify this commitment. Through its partnerships the Foundations aim to leverage social impact of arts in society. They support the contributions of theatre, music and visual arts to strengthen communities, build skills and fight inequalities[10].

Some of the highlights supported by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations include:

Artistes Intervenant en Milieu Scolaire- AIMS (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts, Paris, France)


This program places alumni artists of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Ensba) in residency in the schools of Saint-Ouen sur Seine- an underserved suburb of Paris. The program harnesses the power that arts exercise in social inclusion and educational innovation in public schools. It also builds bridges with communities and provides a unique opportunity for the Beaux-arts’ alumni to train as professional artist-educators while furthering their artistic journey.

Count Me In (Carnegie Hall, New York, USA)


Launched in 2011, Count Me In is an extracurricular musical program aimed at talented students who undergo an exceptional training with established professionals from Carnegie Hall. The program is funded by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations and is developed to help students in underprivileged areas of New York to strive for excellence and prepare to audition for top-ranking arts high schools. Meanwhile, school staff and parents are actively engaged in supporting these young musicians[11][12].

1er acte (Théâtre de la Colline, Paris, France)


Conceived by the Théâtre National de la Colline, the SNCF Foundation (National French Railways) and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, this program of master classes is led by professional artists for underserved young people from minority communities who aspire to become professional comedians. The initiative is designed to challenge the status quo, nurture artistic development and encourage diversity on French theatre stages.



The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations focus on entrepreneurship to address social challenges in building networks, ensuring sustainability and fostering innovation[13].

The Foundations support entrepreneurs by providing technical assistance, professional training and personalized coaching. The various programs designed by the Foundations support these entrepreneurs from incubation to proof of concept, strategic planning and sustainability. The approach focuses on financial autonomy, sectorial cross-fertilisation, scaling up and transformation. The entrepreneurship projects are conducted with partners in academia, professionals and sector experts[14][15].

Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship (Cambridge, UK and New York, USA)


The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship (AdRF) is a training program and an international network of mainly Jewish and Muslim social entrepreneurs committed to intercultural dialogue. Designed by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, AdRF promotes a new model for cross cultural dialogue blending social sciences and innovative entrepreneurship with cross cultural leadership through best of class partners[16][17].

The programme was launched in 2009 in New-York in partnership with Columbia Business School. It is now hosted every summer by Judge Business School at Cambridge University and has included contributions from Cornell University, the University of Oxford, the London School of Economics and the University of Montreal[18][19][20][21][22][23].

Scale Up (France, Belgium and Switzerland)


Developed in 2010 by, ESSEC Business School and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, Scale Up equips growing businesses in French-speaking Europe with the knowledge and skills to reinforce both their economic performance and social impact. Through continuous training, mentorship and sharing of professional expertise, Scale Up empowers responsible entrepreneurs[24][25].

UnLtd Spain (Spain)


The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations and UnLtd Spain have partnered to create CRECE, a program to help high potential social businesses grow. CRECE provides to young entrepreneurs specialized training, legal advice and communication through a network of pro-bono professionals and and the strategic support provided by bankers of the Edmond de Rothschild Group in Spain[26][27].

MOOCs Africa (Switzerland, French-speaking Africa)


In 2013, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations have launched a bold initiative to build digital capacity in African universities in partnership with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The program works with professors and universities to better leverage ICT, and MOOCs in particular. In addition to building ICT capacity, MOOCs Africa creates MOOCs particularly relevant to Sub-Saharan Africa. Professors from the EPFL and African universities in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Senegal, Tanzania and Cote d’Ivoire have produced courses, which are or will be available on Coursera and EdX.

For more than a century, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations have supported scientific and medical research, particularly in the fields of ophthalmology and neuroscience. Their approach combines scientific research and international cooperation to foster excellence and innovation[28].

The Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild (Paris, France)


The Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild was created in 1905 in Paris. With a yearly budget of 100 M euros, it has become a leading French university hospital that specializes in neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, ENT and ophthalmology. It also conducts clinical and fundamental research, develops international partnerships and is involved in humanitarian outreach, especially in Africa.. In France, the hospital ranks first for the treatment of complex eye disorders, epilepsy, stroke and neuro-vision trauma[29][30].

Ariane de Rothschild Woman Doctoral Program (Israel)


The Ariane de Rothschild Women Doctoral Program awards outstanding female doctoral students scholarships to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ) and Technion. The program seeks to address the continuing under-representation of women in Israel across all cultural and religious backgrounds at the doctorate level; the scholarships are designed to enhance the academic standing of talented women scholars in a variety of fields[31][32].

University of Geneva - The Memorial Adolphe de Rothschild Professorship (Switzerland)


The Memorial Adolphe de Rothschild Professorship was created in 2007 at the University of Geneva for research and clinical applications in neuroscience. The Foundations provides support for a neurosciences chair at the University of Geneva – the Memorial Adolphe de Rothschild Professorship and is built on an innovative partnership between private philanthropy and higher education in Switzerland[33].

Philanthropy best practices


The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations have a philanthropic tradition based on a longstanding commitment to solidarity, social responsibility and the advancement of knowledge. They consider as their duty to promote this legacy and share knowledge with others by amplifying voices, uniting generations, creating academic content and finally building the philanthropy of tomorrow[34][35].

The School of Philanthropy (France)


The School of Philanthropy empowers children to be active citizens. By developing innovative pedagogical tools and teaching methods, the program pushes the boundaries of education and raises awareness about giving and social challenges among students, aged 9-13. It gives them the tools to understand and act to address the needs of their immediate neighbourhood. It builds linkages and develops a philanthropy of proximity.

The ESSEC Chair in Philanthropy (Paris)


In 2010, ESSEC Business School founded a unique chair in Philanthropy, which contributes academically to the growing professionalism of philanthropy in France and in Europe. Its activities are supported by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations and include the development of innovative research and cutting edge pedagogy. It is also a clearing house of philanthropic knowledge and timely publications[36][37].

ERFIP (Empower Families for Innovative Philanthropy)


ERFIP is a distinctively unique knowledge platform that was created by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations in 2013. By bringing together private philanthropists and practitioners from frontier economies to share best practices and peer-to-peer knowledge, ERFIP creates cross border networks and is a new, cogent voice in economic development.


  1. « Les Fondations Edmond de Rothschild mobilisées pour l'éducation », sur Les Echos Business (consulté le )
  2. BFM BUSINESS, « La tendance philanthropique: La diversité est à l'honneur au Théâtre de La Colline - 11/01 », sur BFM BUSINESS (consulté le )
  3. (en-US) « Alliance magazine: An interview with Firoz Ladak, Executive Director of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations. - Alliance magazine », sur Alliance magazine (consulté le )
  4. « Edmond de Rothschild Foundation fueling social entrepreneurship in India », sur timesofindia-economictimes (consulté le )
  5. Kamel Jedidi and Bruce Kogut, « How Social Entrepreneurs Heal The World's Wounds », sur Forbes, (consulté le )
  6. « Fellowship launched to develop a new model for conflict resolution », sur www.charitytimes.com (consulté le )
  7. « Ariane de Rothschild, agitatrice de dynastie », sur www.terrafemina.com (consulté le )
  8. Vanity Fair, « Rothschild contre Rothschild : comment Ariane a changé la famille », sur Vanity Fair (consulté le )
  9. (en-US) « Alliance magazine: An interview with Firoz Ladak, Executive Director of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations. - Alliance magazine », sur Alliance magazine (consulté le )
  10. François Nappey, EDR Informatique S.A., « Arts », sur www.edrfoundations.org (consulté le )
  11. « Count Me In | Carnegie Hall », sur www.carnegiehall.org (consulté le )
  12. « {{{1}}} »
  13. François Nappey, EDR Informatique S.A., « Entrepreneuriat social », sur www.edrfoundations.org (consulté le )
  14. « Les Fondations Edmond de Rothschild mobilisées pour l'éducation », sur Les Echos Business (consulté le )
  15. « Le business plan social pour lever des fonds », sur www.my-business-plan.fr (consulté le )
  16. (en-GB) « Not only Cambridge ideas change things », sur Cambridge News (consulté le )
  17. Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship, « Cambridge University and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation use Social Entrepreneurship to Improve /PR Newswire UK/ », sur www.prnewswire.co.uk (consulté le )
  18. (en-US) « Program - The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship », sur The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship (consulté le )
  19. « Nonprofit (Geneva): Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship: Social », sur idealist.org (consulté le )
  20. « Les Fondations Edmond de Rothschild mobilisées pour l'éducation », sur Les Echos Business (consulté le )
  21. « Les Fondations Edmond de Rothschild mobilisées pour l'éducation », sur Les Echos Business (consulté le )
  22. Center for Intercultural Dialogue, « Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship 2016 », sur Center for Intercultural Dialogue (consulté le )
  23. Pauline Compan, « Des entrepreneurs sociaux de toutes religions réunis par la Fondation de Rothschild », sur SaphirNews.com | Quotidien musulman d’actualité (consulté le )
  24. « [http://www.croixdunord.com/entreprise-gecco-transforme-lhuile-alimentaire-en-biocarburant_2710/ [Entreprise] Gecco �transforme l’huile alimentaire en biocarburant] », sur Croix du Nord (consulté le )
  25. « Programme Scale Up - Entrepreneuriat Social », sur entrepreneuriat-social.essec.edu (consulté le )
  26. (es) expansion.com et expansion.com, « [http://www.expansion.com/2014/12/04/emprendedores-empleo/emprendimiento/1417676868.html Los Rothschild buscan 'start up' espa�olas para 'apadrinar'] », sur Expansion (consulté le )
  27. Carlos Otiniano Pulido, « Los cuatro fantásticos del emprendimiento social », sur CINCODIAS, (consulté le )
  28. François Nappey, EDR Informatique S.A., « Santé », sur www.edrfoundations.org (consulté le )
  29. lefigaro.fr, « Ile-de-France. Le palmarès par pôle d'excellence », sur Le Figaro (consulté le )
  30. « Fondation ophtalmologique Rothschild à Paris - Classement, coordonnées, adresse », sur LExpress.fr (consulté le )
  31. « המזכירות האקדמית - האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים :: מיני אתרים :: Ariane de Rothschild Women Doctoral Program », sur academic-secretary.huji.ac.il (consulté le )
  32. « Israel Newsletter, Archive, Sign-up - Barbara Sofer », sur www.barbarasofer.com (consulté le )
  33. « Conférences Grand Public de la Faculté en 2012 », sur www.unige.ch (consulté le )
  34. François Nappey, EDR Informatique S.A., « Éducation », sur www.edrfoundations.org (consulté le )
  35. « La Journée de la Philanthropie avec Ariane de Rothschild », sur Tendactu (consulté le )
  36. « Etude chaire philanthropie ESSEC sur l'engagement des collaborateurs • Alternacom », sur Alternacom (consulté le )
  37. « Partner organisations - ESSEC Philanthropy Chair », sur philanthropy-chair.essec.edu (consulté le )

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