Discussion:Duché de Bicolline

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Plus d'info


Plus d'Info disons 'encyclopédique' comme le nombre de participant qu'il y eu a chacune des années et le nombre de personnes impliquées de façon permanente serait un ajout intéressant et rendrait l'article indiscutable au niveau validité sur wikipedia.

Les thèmes de chacune des batailles et les vainqueurs de ces batailles ainsi que les champions de Trollball annuel (écrit en toute neutralité s'il vous plait) seraient aussi des choses qui pourraient être inscrites, au fond il y a sur wiki ce genre de liste pour plusieurs sports ou presque pourquoi pas le Trollball.

Note : je n'ai jamais participé au regroupement Bicolline mais, comme presque tout le monde au Québec, je connais cet évènement de réputation car il a atteint maintenant suffisamment de notoriété pour être souligné dans les médias québécois.

Cadors 8 février 2007 à 20:56 (CET)Répondre



J'ai apporté plusieurs modifications pour rendre le texte plus objectif et pour ajouter une valeur plus chiffrée. Je collecterai plus de statistiques pour le futur mais si d'autres joueurs ont des faits à communiquer, l'article n'en serait que plus intéressant.

Cyrius de Lambertrand 31 octobre 2007

English version


I've made at English version of the Bicolline article at en:Bicolline. The English version has three news article citations that may be useful in this French version. If anyone knows of any relevant news articles I've missed please add them. Ryan Paddy -- (d) 27 novembre 2007 à 00:01 (CET)Répondre

I think answers to the following questions would improve this article. These are the kinds of things that visitors like myself who know little about Bicolline may be interested to discover:

  • What is the history of the formation of the Bicolline game and the land, including dates of important events (e.g. purchase of land, first event) and name of important people (e.g. founders)?
  • What person or organisation owns the Duchy of Bicolline land, and is it operated on a for-profit basis?
  • What organisation operates the Bicolline events, likewise are they run on a for-profit basis?
  • What is the structure of the group that runs Bicolline?
  • On average how many attendances are there at Bicolline events per year (including repeat attendances)?
  • How is the Auberge operated?
  • How are winners in combat determined? In other words, what are the rules of combat?
  • How are the effects of supernatural powers determined?
  • How structured by rules are the geopolitical, commercial, religious, and magical "games"?

-- Ryan Paddy (d) 27 novembre 2007 à 03:40 (CET)Répondre

Thanks for your input. I would like to improve the french version sometime in the future and I will certainly use the citations that are appearing in the english version. - Boréal (:-D) 27 novembre 2007 à 21:50 (CET)Répondre
Great. It would also be good to have a photo of the venue, a photo of one of the biggest battles, and one of Trollball being played. If it's possible to illustrate the geopolitical/commercial/religious/magic structure in an image that'd be nice too. --Ryan Paddy (d) 27 novembre 2007 à 22:17 (CET)Répondre
Altough I'm interested in roleplaying games (not necessarily what are called "Grandeur nature" in french or "live rpg"), I'm not that knowledgeable on Bicolline and I never participated to it, so I don't have any free pictures. However, i got a couple of newspaper and magazine sources that are establishing the notability of Bicolline: one explaining how one of Quebec's best known fantasy writer Bryan Perro (of Amos Daragon fame) is developing a fantasy-themed kid summer camp with the people from Bicolline, and another one about Denys Arcand (academy-award winner) new movie "L'âge des ténèbres" (I guess, in english, "The dark age") being inspired in part by the annual Bicolline battle and how Bicolline people were involved in this movie. - Boréal (:-D) 28 novembre 2007 à 14:44 (CET)Répondre
If those news items are online, then could you post links to them in one of the Bicolline articles or on my user talk page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Ryan_Paddy ? That would be great, thanks. I'm emailling Trollball and Bicolline for photo permissions. --Ryan Paddy (d) 28 novembre 2007 à 19:25 (CET)Répondre
Never mind, I think I've found the news items you mention here and here. --Ryan Paddy (d) 29 novembre 2007 à 01:00 (CET)Répondre
I've got the "paper" version of L'Actualité for Denys Arcand and an article in the Quebec City newspaper Le Soleil instead of Radio-Canada, but it is pretty much the same. Good find. :-) - Boréal (:-D) 29 novembre 2007 à 17:41 (CET)Répondre



Bicolline.org and Trollball.org have kindly released three images into the public domain at my request. You can see the images en:Bicolline. These images could also be used here, but it's probably best if someone else adds them as I don't speak French so can't write the caption. You don't need to upload the images again because I've put them into the Commons, just use a normal image tag. --Ryan Paddy 2 décembre 2007 à 22:24 (CET)Répondre

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