Discussion:Jiří Rusnok

Dernier commentaire : il y a 11 ans par Rachimbourg dans le sujet Prime Minister Rusnok
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Prime Minister Rusnok


I am very sorry not to be able to write a complicated text in French. I would like to say to French readers of Wikipedia that Mr. Rusnok has in fact been appointed new Czech Prime Minister, he is not only a designated PM. We have to do with a very special feature of the Czech constitutional law. There are now, in fact, two Prime Ministers in the Czech Republic. The one is the Acting PM Petr Nečas, whose government is still in charge of the affairs, despite the fact that Mr. Nečas resigned on his office. The other PM is Mr. Rusnok who was appointed by President Zeman to form a new government, with the intention not to respect the Parliament in this process. Nobody knows if there will really be a functioning government of Mr. Rusnok in the next time. --Zbrnajsem (d) 27 juin 2013 à 19:09 (CEST)Répondre

But in fact, M. Necas again leads government (he's at the European Council this time), M. Rusnok has mission to form government. In constitutionnal law, it's imposible to have two Prime Ministers. M Rusnok is appointed but not in functions. – Amicalement – Rachimbourg (✎ Doléances) 27 juin 2013 à 20:57 (CEST)Répondre
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