
Klavdij Sluban


Klavdij Sluban is a French photographer of Slovenian origin born in Paris in 1963. Winner of the Prix de Photographie de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de l'Institut de France (2015), the Villa Kujoyama (2015), the European Publishers Award for Photography (2009), the Leica Prize (2004), the Niépce Prize, main French prize in photography (2000), the Villa Medici Hors-les-Murs (1998). He develops a rigorous and coherent body of work, nourished by literature, never inspired by immediate and sensational events, making him one of the most interesting photographers of his generation. K.Sluban questions the contemporary world throughout a specific photographic writing, dark yet poetic, working on long term projects in countries, islands, prisons, where time and space are condensed. The Balkans, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, former Yugoslavia, former Soviet Union, the Caribbean, Central America, the Antarctic (first artistic mission in the Kerguelen islands), China, Japan... can be read as many successive steps of an in-depth interpretation of the encountered reality. His images have been shown in such leading institutions as the Metropolitan Museum of Photography of Tokyo, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, the Rencontres d'Arles, the National Museum of Singapore, the Museum of Photography in Helsinki, the Fine Arts Museum in Canton, the Musée Beaubourg, the National Gallery in Jakarta, the Museum of Texas Tech University... In 2013, the musée Niépce showed a retrospective of K.Sluban's work, After Darkness, 1995-2015.

His many books include East to East (published by six European editors, text by Erri de Luca), Entre Parenthèses, (Photo Poche, Actes Sud), Transverses, (Maison Européenne de la Photographie) and Balkans -Transit, with a text by François Maspero (Seuil)...

Since 1995, Sluban has been photographing teenagers in jails. In each prison he organizes workshops with the young offenders to share his passion. First originated in France, in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis with support from Henri Cartier-Bresson for seven years, as well as Marc Riboud and William Klein punctually. This commitment was pursued in the disciplinary camps of Eastern Europe for eight years: in former Yugoslavia, (Serbia and Slovenia); in former Soviet Union: Russia (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Iksha, Nievil), Georgia (Tbilissi, Khoni), Moldova, Latvia. For six years in Central America with imprisoned youngsters from gangs (maras) in Guatemala and Salvador. In 2015, he started photographing imprisoned teenagers in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

K.Sluban is represented by Gallery Klüser, Germany, VA Gallery, Hong Kong...



2017 Laureate of the assignement of the Ministry of Culture and the Centre National des Arts Plasiques (CNAP) on youth in France for the projet « Invisible youth » exhibited at Festival ImageSingulières, Sète ; La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille ; Centre d'Art Contemporain Photographique, Niort ; billboards in main French SNCF staations... Winner of the Photography Prize of the Fondation des Treilles. Exhibition at the Foundation



Transsibériades / East to East, European Publishers Award for Photography 2009, Actes Sud, France/ East to East, Dewi Lewis Publishing, England/ Go East, Braus Verlag, Germany/ East to East, Lunwerg Ediciones, Spain/ All’Est dell’Est, Peliti Edizioni, Italy/ Apeiron editions, Greece/ 150 pages, foreword by Erri De Luca.

Documentary Films on Klavdij Sluban


Henri Cartier-Bresson L’amour tout court, Les Films a Lou/Arte, 90min, 2001
Series Photos-Photographes, Cndp/La 5, 13min, 2001
Series Derrière la Page, Coup d’oeil/Arte
Metropolis, 8min, 2002 Metropolis, Arte 15 min, 1997

Work in Prisons


Since 1995, Klavdij Sluban has been photographing teenagers in jails. Sharing his passion with the youngsters, he creates a workshop in each jail he photographs. In 1995, he created a dark room for teenagers in the Juvenile Detention Centre in Fleury- Mérogis (South of Paris, biggest jail in Europe). The adolescents were taught a creative approach, development and printing in photography. Their work was regularly shown inside the jail, as well as at The Maison Européenne de la Photographie, in 1998. Henri Cartier-Bresson was coming to visit the young apprentice-photogrpahers several times a year between 1995 and 2001.William Klein and Marc Riboud also visited the younsters to encourage them in their creation. From 1998 to 2004, following these projects, K.Sluban started working with young prisoners in the former Soviet-Union (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Latvia), with similar photographic exchange. In 2000, he created another photography workshop in Celje, Slovenia, in the only national prison for teenagers. In 2006, K. Sluban created new photography workshops at Saint-Patrick’s Institution, Dublin, Ireland. From 2006 to to 2012, he has been working with teenagers from gangs (“maras”) in Central America: n Zona 18 and Chimaltenango jails in Guatemala and in Izalco and Tonacatepeque jails in Salvador. He has been running several worrksops per year in these jails during this period of time. In 2015, K.Sluban organised two workshops in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in Mario Covas and Aruja Institutions for teenagers.



The Art Fund, London
Guernsey Art Museum
Fine Art Academy, Paris
Musée Victor Hugo, Paris / Centre des Monuments Nationaux Fonds National d’art Contemporain, Paris
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
Musée National d’art Beaubourg, Paris
Musée Niepce, France
The Metropolitan Museum of Photography of Tokyo Paris Musées, Les Musées de la Ville de Paris
The collections of the FNAC galleries, Paris
Holding company Fimalac
Museum of Photography in Braga, Portugal
Galerie du Château d’Eau de Toulouse, France
Leica Foundation, Germany
Musée Réattu, Arles, France
Museum Pouchkine in Odessa, Ukraine
Shanghai Art Museum, Meishuguan, China Guangdong Museum of Art, China
Collection of the Société Générale bank
Reggio Emilia Museum of Art, Italy
Biblioteca Mario de Andrade, Sao Paulo, Brazil Harvard University/Edwin C. Cohen’s collection, USA

Villa Kujoyama Residence, Kyoto, Japan, 2016
Prix de Photographie de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2015
First artist missioned in the Kerguelen Isands, South Indian Ocean, 2012 European Publishers Award for Photography 2009
Centre National des Arts Plastiques/Ministry of Culture, 2008
Prix Leica, Medal of Excellence, 2004
Prix Niepce, 2000 (main French award in photography)
Fiacre Fellowship Ministry of Culture, 2001
Villa Médicis Hors-les-Murs, 1998
Fellowship for workshops in prisons, DRAC Ile-de France, 1996

Klavdij Sluban is represented by the following galleries


La suite dans le prochain épisode.