
Hello, 歡迎.
Tell me if you want to work with us on visual novel articles. If you want to, you can also join the French Visual novel project. 31NOVA (discuter) 30 novembre 2021 à 18:23 (CET)Répondre

Thanks for inviting me. I would like to yet don’t know any French. Btw, I really appreciate your works about Visual novel. CCPSupporter (discuter) 6 décembre 2021 à 09:42 (CET)Répondre
Notification CCPSupporter : the Bangumi 番组计划 article seems quite short, do you think you can add content to it? I plan to translate it. 31NOVA (discuter) 8 décembre 2021 à 14:50 (CET)Répondre