Utilisateur:Orlodrim/Pages d'homonymie avec des liens externes
Liste des pages d'homonymies contenant un lien qui n'est pas en référence ou qui n'a pas de titre.
La liste commence par les liens les moins bien formatés (pas dans une référence, pas dans un modèle, pas de titre). Ce sont a priori ceux qui ont la plus grande probabilité d'être non pertinents.
modifier- Dans les pages d'homonymies listées ci-dessous, vérifiez si les liens externes sont pertinents. Sauf exception, une page d'homonymie ne devrait pas contenir de liens externes dans le corps du texte.
- Si les liens sont pas pertinents, retirez-les. Dans certains cas, il peut être préférable de retirer tout le texte associé (par exemple, si la page d'homonymie liste une entreprise qui ne répond pas aux critères d'admissibilité)
- S'ils sont pertinents, assurez-vous de les mettre en forme correctement. S'ils servent de source, placez-les dans une balise
et utilisez un modèle adapté comme {{Lien web}}.
- Une fois qu'une page est traitée, supprimez la ligne correspondante du tableau ci-dessous.
- Cas particulier : si une page ne nécessite aucune modification, ne supprimez pas la ligne mais barrez seulement le lien avec <s>...</s>, afin qu'il soit déplacé dans une liste de faux positifs à la prochaine mise à jour. Par exemple, si la page Adresse Internet contient un lien d'exemple à conserver tel quel, remplacez :
|[[Adresse Internet]]||×||×||×||fr.wikipedia.org
par|<s>[[Adresse Internet]]</s>||×||×||×||fr.wikipedia.org
Liste des pages
modifierPage | ref ? | Modèle ? | Titre ? | Domaines |
× | × | × | fr.wikipedia.org | |
C2H8N2 | × | × | × | molport.com, chemindustry.com |
Dampierre | × | × | × | fortiffsere.fr, armorialdefrance.fr, euraldic.com, fbecuwe.free.fr, heraldique-blasons-armoiries.com, patev.net, toutsurlheraldique.blogspot.fr, archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr |
Delacroix | × | × | × | lesamisderobertdelacroix.blogspot.fr |
Dump | × | × | × | download.wikimedia.org, dev.mysql.com, man7.org |
EBR | × | × | × | acronymfinder.com, ebr.org |
FEC | × | × | × | forums-fec.be |
Famille de Durfort (homonymie) | × | × | × | books.google.fr, gallica.bnf.fr |
Fanfant | × | × | × | alrmab.free.fr |
Fappani | × | × | × | google.fr, italianoinfamiglia.it, viaf.org |
Far West | × | × | × | farwestcountry.com |
Funck-Brentano | × | × | × | bertrand.auschitzky.free.fr |
Fête de la moisson | × | × | × | provins-fete-moisson.org, worldcat.org, anjou-tourisme.com, courrier-picard.fr, fete-moisson-provins.org, fetedelamoisson.free.fr |
Gallican | × | × | × | gallican.eu, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Gizérac | × | × | × | gizerac.wordpress.com, books.google.fr |
Guennoun | × | × | × | dhns-inserm.com, scholar.google.com |
HQ | × | × | × | hyrule-quest.com |
Hariri / El Hariri | × | × | × | alhariry.net, almaany.com |
ISMA | × | × | × | ism-asso.org |
KOP | × | × | × | fikop.com |
Kalou | × | × | × | evasionfm.com |
LVD | × | × | × | lvd.cc |
Lannoy (homonymie) | × | × | × | patents.justia.com |
Le Château des Lumières | × | × | × | 1jour1vin.com, chateaudeslumieres.com, chateauluneville.cg54.fr, lechateaudeslumieres.com, louisjadot.com |
Levant | × | × | × | revue.levant.free.fr |
Lilium (homonymie) | × | × | × | immaterium.canalblog.com |
Limayrac | × | × | × | cpjr.fr |
Longchamps de Berrier | × | × | × | sejm-wielki.pl, bohaterowie1939.pl, law.uj.edu.pl, lwow.com.pl, touchstonemag.com |
Lullier | × | × | × | lullier.ch |
MACS | × | × | × | sup-galilee.univ-paris13.fr |
MRT | × | × | × | litis.univ-lehavre.fr |
Magdalena | × | × | × | magdalena92.org |
Malabar | × | × | × | goelettecaroline.simplesite.com |
Maladie de Paget | × | × | × | bium.univ-paris5.fr, www-sante.ujf-grenoble.fr, www-sante.ujf-grenoble.fr, jcp.bmj.com |
Mariage mixte | × | × | × | cedref.revues.org, cairn.info, educ-revues.fr, persee.fr |
Marso | × | × | × | marso.fr |
Microgen | × | × | × | micro-gen.ouhsc.edu, microgen.co.uk, microgenbioproducts.com |
Miner | × | × | × | cnrtl.fr, fr.wiktionary.org |
Morrow | × | × | × | teamliquid.net |
Mot (homonymie) | × | × | × | mot.be |
Nullité | × | × | × | dictionnaire-juridique.com |
O Outro Lado do Paraíso | × | × | × | gshow.globo.com, mundonovelas.com.br, extra.globo.com |
Oblivion | × | × | × | fr.mogapedia.wikia.com, youtube.com |
Odin (homonymie) | × | × | × | android.gs |
PEC | × | × | × | culture.fr, modernisation.gouv.fr |
PFA | × | × | × | scenariopole.fr |
PHAST | × | × | × | phd-physics.universite-lyon.fr, membres.multimania.fr |
Patrick Rijks | × | × | × | abbaye-royale-celles.com, artistes-independants.fr, artsper.com, danielfisher.fr, lanouvellerepublique.fr, paris-valdeseine.archi.fr, paris.fr, patrickrijks.fr, vivre-a-niort.com |
Pir | × | × | × | ladyada.net |
Pir Muhammad | × | × | × | perso.wanadoo.fr |
Quintus Veranius | × | × | × | roman-britain.org, web.archive.org, penelope.uchicago.edu, perseus.tufts.edu, roman-britain.org, web.archive.org |
REL | × | × | × | rollerenligne.com |
Rana | × | × | × | rananiger.info |
Riccardo Campa | × | × | × | idref.fr |
Roméo | × | × | × | romeo.univ-reims.fr, silicon.fr |
Réalisme | × | × | × | youtube.com |
SCEI | × | × | × | scei-concours.fr |
SDD | × | × | × | developpement-durable.sports.gouv.fr |
SDITEPSA | × | × | × | agriculture.gouv.fr, senat.fr |
SLC | × | × | × | sauvonsleclimat.org |
SRB | × | × | × | europa.eu, srb.europa.eu |
Selve | × | × | × | archives.dordogne.fr, fr.wikisource.org, gallica.bnf.fr, gencom.org, genea24.fr, gw.geneanet.org, syt58.fr, territoires-fr.fr |
Sic | × | × | × | sic-nyon.ch, fr.wiktionary.org, orthotypographie.fr |
Soli | × | × | × | dailymotion.com |
Stalker | × | × | × | everestrecords.ch, mobile.lemonde.fr, osservatorionomade.net |
TEC | × | × | × | latec.free.fr |
TSI | × | × | × | tsi.revuesonline.com |
Tisiphone (homonymie) | × | × | × | tisiphone-faces.com |
UFE | × | × | × | ufe-suisse-romande.ufevdvs.org |
URD | × | × | × | urdland.com |
USS Auk | × | × | × | history.navy.mil |
USS Constellation | × | × | × | history.navy.mil |
USTM | × | × | × | ustm.mr |
Université Saints-Cyrille-et-Méthode | × | × | × | cmtf.upol.cz, ucm.sk, ukim.edu.mk, uni-vt.bg |
Vallery-Radot | × | × | × | sudoc.fr |
Vesta (homonymie) | × | × | × | vestasys.org |
Vila Boa | × | × | × | boavila.jimdo.com |
WML | × | × | × | thewml.org |
Wilbur | × | × | × | s3.amazonaws.com |
Wysocki | × | × | × | bwysocki.wix.com |
XFEL | × | × | × | xfel.eu, zms.desy.de |
Zerhouni | × | × | × | jeuneafrique.com |
École napolitaine | × | × | × | sorrente.it |
AEG | × | × | ✔️ | twitch.tv, youtube.com |
Abdilla | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io, ogalea.chez.com, ogalea.chez.com, thinksite.eu |
Afchin | × | × | ✔️ | afsin.bel.tr, afsin.gov.tr, dsal.uchicago.edu |
Affectation | × | × | ✔️ | liendex.ptaff.ca |
Affre | × | × | ✔️ | nom-de-famille.linternaute.com, perso.wanadoo.fr, larousse.fr |
Albertine | × | × | ✔️ | aufeminin.com |
All That Remains | × | × | ✔️ | allthatremains-movie.com |
Allaire | × | × | ✔️ | allaire-dallaire-genealogy.phildallaire.net, poitou-charentes.france3.fr, geopatronyme.com, gralon.net, patrimoine.bzh, persee.fr |
Amati | × | × | ✔️ | collectionsdumusee.philharmoniedeparis.fr, mimo-international.com |
Apap | × | × | ✔️ | apap-accompagnement.fr |
Ardisson | × | × | ✔️ | cognomix.it |
Astorg | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, gallica.bnf.fr |
Aymerich | × | × | ✔️ | araldicasardegna.org, armoria.info, grandesp.org.uk |
B100 | × | × | ✔️ | legifrance.gouv.fr |
Bataille de Dalton | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.com |
Bataille de Picardie | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
Beautemps-Beaupré | × | × | ✔️ | ifrecor.nc |
Benoît XIV (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.com, gallica.bnf.fr, webdept.fiu.edu, worldcat.org |
Bettencourt | × | × | ✔️ | bettenco.my.meganet.net |
Bleau | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Boeckel | × | × | ✔️ | data.bnf.fr |
Bois de serpent | × | × | ✔️ | tropical.theferns.info, wildflower.org |
Boutet de Monvel | × | × | ✔️ | er.uqam.ca, er.uqam.ca, onlinegalleries.com, radiofrance.fr, web.artprice.com, zdom.com |
Bulletin officiel | × | × | ✔️ | boletinoficial.gov.ar, es.wikipedia.org |
Bâtiment | × | × | ✔️ | 4geniecivil.com |
Bâtonnier | × | × | ✔️ | avocatparis.org, barreau.qc.ca, barreaudebruxelles.info |
C15H24 | × | × | ✔️ | pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, webbook.nist.gov |
C5H4 | × | × | ✔️ | chemspider.com, pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, books.google.fr, chemnavigator.com, pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
C5H8 | × | × | ✔️ | cactvs.cit.nih.gov, webbook.nist.gov |
CPSU | × | × | ✔️ | en.wikipedia.org, cpsu-scfp.org, lesfacultes.univ-catholille.fr |
CRL | × | × | ✔️ | crlab.eu |
Cabanas | × | × | ✔️ | cabanadigital.com, genealogie.org |
Calafato (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, cognomix.it, ogalea.chez.com |
Calascione (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, namespedia.com, cosmovisions.com, musicologie.org, treccani.it |
Camilla Mayer | × | × | ✔️ | spiegel.de |
Casini | × | × | ✔️ | e-venise.com |
Cazenave | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Championnats d'Europe de cyclisme | × | × | ✔️ | uec.ch |
Chaunac (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | maps.google.com |
Chevreul | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
Chronique scandaleuse | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
Cini | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io |
Cizur | × | × | ✔️ | euskaltzaindia.net |
Clermont-Tonnerre | × | × | ✔️ | clermont-tonnerre.fr |
Cohen | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io |
Colaud | × | × | ✔️ | ericamiel.free.fr |
Coleiro (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, ogalea.chez.com |
Comté d'Orange | × | × | ✔️ | visitcalifornia.fr |
Congé de paternité | × | × | ✔️ | belgium.be, francetvinfo.fr, partena-ziekenfonds.be, babyfrance.com, labs.letemps.ch |
Cru | × | × | ✔️ | cru.fr, srb.europa.eu |
Cycle fermé | × | × | ✔️ | lajauneetlarouge.com, nuc.berkeley.edu |
Cœur (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | persee.fr |
David Hughes (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | imdb.com |
De Callataÿ | × | × | ✔️ | callatay.be |
De La Fouchardière (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, books.google.fr |
De Morlhon (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | morlhon.com |
De la Grandière | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
De profundis | × | × | ✔️ | cnrtl.fr, david.journault.free.fr, franceculture.fr |
Dedieu | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Demicoli (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io |
Deneb (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | vizier.u-strasbg.fr |
Diane et Callisto | × | × | ✔️ | univers-l.com, gallerieaccademia.it |
Diego Fernandez | × | × | ✔️ | juntadeandalucia.es |
Doon (comté de Cavan) | × | × | ✔️ | thecore.com, logainm.ie |
Dos au mur | × | × | ✔️ | damlesheritiers.fr |
Dournovo | × | × | ✔️ | translate.google.fr |
Ducorroy | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com, perso.wanadoo.fr |
Dupond (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | anom.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr |
Décorateur | × | × | ✔️ | formation-decoratrice.com |
Délai | × | × | ✔️ | greffe-tc-caen.fr |
Edlinger | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Effenterre | × | × | ✔️ | wikidata.org |
Ehrmann | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Elbow (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | Elbow.fr |
Elmaleh | × | × | ✔️ | dafina.net |
Empêchement | × | × | ✔️ | infodujour.com, pluzz.fr |
Encoche | × | × | ✔️ | fr.wiktionary.org, books.google.fr, larousse.fr, pe.sfrnet.org |
Falzon | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, books.google.fr, cognomix.it, ogalea.chez.com |
Famille Granfelt | × | × | ✔️ | adelsvapen.com, hs.fi, kansallisbiografia.fi |
Famille Procaccini | × | × | ✔️ | cosmovisions.com |
Famille Romanelli | × | × | ✔️ | raffaelloromanelli.com |
Familles de Béchade | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, 1886.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, gallica.bnf.fr |
Familles de Froment (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
Familles de La Forcade et de Forcade | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, books.google.de, books.google.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, mairie-lauzerville.fr, visites.aquitaine.fr |
Fenasse | × | × | ✔️ | everybodywiki.com, universalis.fr |
Ferrara | × | × | ✔️ | gens.info |
Fiorentino | × | × | ✔️ | gens.labo.net, books.google.fr, santiebeati.it |
Florimond | × | × | ✔️ | madame.lefigaro.fr, books.google.fr |
Flush (film) | × | × | ✔️ | imdb.com |
Fons | × | × | ✔️ | mairiedefons.fr |
Friedlander | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Fsadni | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io, ancientfaces.com |
Funiculite | × | × | ✔️ | link.springer.com, sciencedirect.com, dictionnaire.academie-medecine.fr |
Garipuy | × | × | ✔️ | archives.seine-et-marne.fr, geopatronyme.com |
Gautreau | × | × | ✔️ | gautreau.asso.fr |
Gibi | × | × | ✔️ | en.m.wikipedia.org |
Giuliani | × | × | ✔️ | cognomiitaliani.org, genealogie.orange.fr, gens-us.net, gens.labo.net |
Grotte du Lion | × | × | ✔️ | atraverslesages.over-blog.com, groupe-speleo-vulcain.com |
Guarducci | × | × | ✔️ | it.wikisource.org |
Guenel | × | × | ✔️ | heraldrysinstitute.com |
Guillo | × | × | ✔️ | guillolesite.fr, books.google.fr |
Gyllenhaal | × | × | ✔️ | gyllenhaal.org |
Gérard Martin | × | × | ✔️ | galoppertrainer-gmartin.com |
HGNC | × | × | ✔️ | genenames.org, hugo-international.org |
HMS Canopus | × | × | ✔️ | worldcat.org |
Hal | × | × | ✔️ | halinvestments.nl, lefigaro.fr |
Haussonville (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | roglo.eu, culture.cg44.fr, euraldic.com, heraldica.org |
Heartbreaker | × | × | ✔️ | youtube.com |
Heilmann | × | × | ✔️ | nordostkultur-muenchen.de, uni-trier.de, books.google.com, histoire-entreprises.fr |
Henri Monin | × | × | ✔️ | calames.abes.fr |
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe | × | × | ✔️ | areditions.com, di-arezzo.com |
Hákonardrápa | × | × | ✔️ | skaldic.arts.usyd.edu.au |
ISFNR | × | × | ✔️ | isfnr.org |
ISOC | × | × | ✔️ | cosmos.esa.int, en.wikipedia.org |
ITSO | × | × | ✔️ | en.wikipedia.org |
Ian Pearce (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | imdb.com |
Icarus | × | × | ✔️ | grafykdesign.fr, icarus.store |
Imbroll | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, cognomix.it, ogalea.chez.com |
Inoue | × | × | ✔️ | babelio.com |
Iulius Caesar | × | × | ✔️ | web.archive.org, wildwinds.com |
JIM | × | × | ✔️ | jim.fr |
Jaffard | × | × | ✔️ | gw.geneanet.org, gallica.bnf.fr |
John Perceval | × | × | ✔️ | en.wikipedia.org |
Juncker | × | × | ✔️ | mathieujuncker.sitew.fr |
Kamel Daoud | × | × | ✔️ | dzairnews.com |
Kreiner | × | × | ✔️ | verwandt.at, verwandt.de, web.archive.org, verwandt.at |
Kułakowski | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
L'Adoration des mages (Rubens) | × | × | ✔️ | cartelfr.louvre.fr, hermitagemuseum.org, kmska.be, mba-lyon.fr, museodelprado.es, wallacelive.wallacecollection.org |
L'Adoration des mages (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | elmiradorespagnol.free.fr, wga.hu |
L'Affaire du collier de la reine | × | × | ✔️ | ina.fr |
L'Armoire | × | × | ✔️ | fr.wikisource.org |
La Coiffeuse | × | × | ✔️ | centrepompidou.fr, ina.fr |
La Croisée des chemins | × | × | ✔️ | imdb.com, lacroiseedeschemins.ma |
La Dame de pique (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | damedepique-le-vin.com |
La Déferlante | × | × | ✔️ | allocine.fr |
La Famille Addams | × | × | ✔️ | youtube.com |
La Femme qui pleure | × | × | ✔️ | toutlecine.com |
La Flesche | × | × | ✔️ | nebraskahistory.org, nebraskahistory.org |
La Parenthèse (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | booksie.com |
La Sylvanire | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
La Vague | × | × | ✔️ | en.wikipedia.org |
Labitte | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com, geopatronyme.com |
Larcher | × | × | ✔️ | catalogue.bnf.fr |
Le Monde à l'envers | × | × | ✔️ | lemondealenvers.lautre.net, youtube.com |
Le Petit Cheval bossu | × | × | ✔️ | taxila.bandcamp.com |
Le Temple de Gnide | × | × | ✔️ | bmlisieux.com, catalogue.bnf.fr, montesquieu.ens-lsh.fr |
Le Vieux de la montagne | × | × | ✔️ | ia600301.us.archive.org |
Le Zoute (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | compagniezoute.be |
Le bonheur est dans le pré (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | wheatoncollege.edu |
Lequeux | × | × | ✔️ | cicressources.net, fr.calameo.com |
Made in Italy | × | × | ✔️ | google.com |
Malakov | × | × | ✔️ | google.fr |
Mallory | × | × | ✔️ | nominis.cef.fr, youtube.com |
Manicaro | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, timesofmalta.com |
Manlius Torquatus | × | × | ✔️ | persee.fr |
Mansuy | × | × | ✔️ | introibo.fr, catalogue.bnf.fr, fff.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, google.fr, introibo.fr, lesmarats.pagesperso-orange.fr |
Matoutou | × | × | ✔️ | manioc.org |
Max Fleischer | × | × | ✔️ | tropicos.org |
Mazery | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Mazé (nom) | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Meilak (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, ogalea.chez.com, forebears.io, vassallohistory.wordpress.com |
Menace | × | × | ✔️ | mitre.org, rfcdp.fr |
Merckaert | × | × | ✔️ | cairn.info, ccfd-terresolidaire.org |
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr |
Meyerheim | × | × | ✔️ | en.wikisource.org |
Michael | × | × | ✔️ | aufeminin.com, linternaute.com, books.google.be, ssa.gov |
Mohammad | × | × | ✔️ | journaldesfemmes.com |
Mohammed | × | × | ✔️ | journaldesfemmes.com, books.google.fr, francetvinfo.fr, insee.fr, laprovence.com, lefigaro.fr, leparisien.fr, mashable.france24.com, opendata.brussels.be, books.google.fr, encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com, map.ma, prenoms.com |
Morandini | × | × | ✔️ | gens.labo.net, orange.fr, cognomiitaliani.org |
Mugliett (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io, forebears.io, sapere.it |
Mystère | × | × | ✔️ | youtube.com |
Méloua (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | colisee.org, dojo.ge, pmcg-i.com, savannahnow.com, vitraux-xxe-siecle-champagne-ardenne.culture.fr, nplg.gov.ge |
NCSM Nipigon | × | × | ✔️ | canada.ca |
NCSM Quinte | × | × | ✔️ | canada.ca |
NCSM Thunder | × | × | ✔️ | canada.ca |
Naccache | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.tm.fr, ynet.co.il |
Navion | × | × | ✔️ | youtube.com, books.google.fr, laws.justice.gc.ca |
Notification | × | × | ✔️ | webgate.ec.europa.eu, ec.europa.eu, securite-alimentaire.public.lu |
Nous n'irons plus au bois | × | × | ✔️ | multitheque.org, poesie-francaise.fr, youtube.com, fr.wikisource.org, rtbf.be, bibliotheques-specialisees.paris.fr |
Now or Never | × | × | ✔️ | onlynon.com |
Négresse | × | × | ✔️ | manioc.org, bourdonmedia.org |
On fait comme on a dit (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | lesgenissesdanslmais.fr |
One shot | × | × | ✔️ | rpgmaker.net, superposition-lyon.com |
Outin | × | × | ✔️ | data.bnf.fr |
Pandolfi | × | × | ✔️ | cognomix.it |
Parole (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | Paroles.net |
Patel | × | × | ✔️ | youtube.com |
Pater Noster | × | × | ✔️ | de.wikipedia.org |
Paul le Perse | × | × | ✔️ | bethmardutho.org, iranicaonline.org, loghman.org |
Payan | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, editions-harmattan.fr, books.google.com, books.google.fr, books.google.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, lexilogos.com, lycee-eucalyptus.fr |
Pena | × | × | ✔️ | sdis83.fr |
Philippe Guérin | × | × | ✔️ | guerin.ebeniste.free.fr |
Pierre Hirsch (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | ordiecole.com |
Pierre Marchand | × | × | ✔️ | ordredelaliberation.fr |
Pierre Weill | × | × | ✔️ | bleu-blanc-coeur.com |
Poiret | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Pont du Diable | × | × | ✔️ | devilsbridge.org, pitt.edu, tout-sur-google-earth.com, aussois.com, bor-et-bar.fr, cartolis.org, cartorum.fr, corsicatheque.com, diocese-quimper.fr, entraunes.fr, euroconte.org, eze-riviera.com, fr.calameo.com, gallica.bnf.fr, garae.fr, geoportail.gouv.fr, guadeloupe-parcnational.fr, ladepeche.fr, ladombes.free.fr, lescompagnonsexplorateurs.com, lespontsurlaisne.free.fr, leucamp.fr, levezou-aveyron.com, m3c.univ-corse.fr, massifcentralferroviaire.com, monumentum.fr, ouest-france.fr, patrimoine.bzh, patrimoinedesabers.fr, petit-patrimoine.com, pontdelarche.over-blog.com, randonature.parc-haut-jura.fr, reunion.gouv.fr, rupestres.perso.neuf.fr |
Potasse | × | × | ✔️ | universalis.fr |
Pouchin | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr |
Poule (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | fr.wikipedia.org |
Pénicaud | × | × | ✔️ | geneanet.org |
RTPS | × | × | ✔️ | omg.org, rtcmagazine.com |
Rapinett (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | forebears.io |
Rascasse volante | × | × | ✔️ | dinosoria.com, aquarium-larochelle.com, fishbase.se, aquarium-larochelle.com, dinosoria.com |
Real Academia (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | insde.es, web.archive.org |
Reuchsel | × | × | ✔️ | edition-lade.com |
Ricard (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
Riesener | × | × | ✔️ | verwandt.de |
Ringwald | × | × | ✔️ | dynastree.ca, dynastree.com, familleunie.fr, verwandt.ch, verwandt.de |
Ritzen | × | × | ✔️ | familleunie.fr, verwandt.de, verwant.nl |
Rohrwacher | × | × | ✔️ | verwandt.de |
Romy Schneider (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | wikidata.org |
Roméo et Juliette (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | hls-dhs-dss.ch |
Royal Louis | × | × | ✔️ | agh.qc.ca, troisponts.net, troisponts.wordpress.com, gallica.bnf.fr, netmarine.net |
Royon (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr |
Ruais | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com |
SNG | × | × | ✔️ | s-n-g.ch |
Saint Ursin | × | × | ✔️ | bmlisieux.com |
Saint-Omer | × | × | ✔️ | archives.calvados.fr |
Saint-Ours | × | × | ✔️ | culture.gouv.fr |
Saydon (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io |
Sciriha (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io, um.edu.mt, ogalea.chez.com |
Secrets | × | × | ✔️ | lesetoilesfelees.fr |
Sexual Healing | × | × | ✔️ | allocine.fr |
Seychell | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io, books.google.fr, ogalea.chez.com |
Showdown | × | × | ✔️ | pokemonshowdown.com |
Sibylle (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, books.google.fr, nominis.cef.fr |
Situation | × | × | ✔️ | hypergeo.free.fr |
Siège de Bois-le-Duc | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr |
Skyboard | × | × | ✔️ | mediafield.be, mediafield.fr, skyboard.co.nz, vids.myspace.com, Mediafield.com, skyboardnz.com |
Sonnerie | × | × | ✔️ | sonnerieportable.com |
Sonnleithner | × | × | ✔️ | de.wikisource.org |
Sort | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr |
Stockman | × | × | ✔️ | marc-stockman.fr |
Strasser | × | × | ✔️ | familleunie.fr, verwandt.at, verwandt.ch, verwandt.de |
Stroobant | × | × | ✔️ | geneanet.org, ars-moriendi.be, geneanet.org, opac.regesta-imperii.de, www2.vlaanderen.be |
Succin | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, cnrtl.fr, books.google.com, books.google.fr, persee.fr, yumpu.com, books.google.com |
Sultana (patronyme) | × | × | ✔️ | academia.edu, forebears.io |
Surcouf (navire) | × | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net, netmarine.net |
Surface de construction | × | × | ✔️ | expertfrance.com |
Table (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | portail.atilf.fr |
Table ronde de Bruxelles | × | × | ✔️ | french.people.com.cn, lepotentiel.com |
Takashi Matsuyama | × | × | ✔️ | baka-tsuki.org |
Taravella | × | × | ✔️ | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Tartifume | × | × | ✔️ | archive.org, archives-vienne.cg86.fr, archives.sarthe.com, cpie.paysdesmauges.fr, scribd.com, tresordesregions.mgm.fr |
The Eleventh Hour | × | × | ✔️ | metal-archives.com, wearepins.co.uk |
Thierry Magnier (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | imdb.com |
Thomas Johnson | × | × | ✔️ | nominis.cef.fr |
Thuasne | × | × | ✔️ | thuasne.com |
Thuit | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr |
Timberjack | × | × | ✔️ | howtotrainyourdragon.wikia.com, imdb.com, nzonscreen.com |
Traité d'Aranjuez | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.es |
Traité de Péronne | × | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, books.google.fr |
Treacy | × | × | ✔️ | TraceyClann.com |
Triou | × | × | ✔️ | maps.google.fr |
Tromelin | × | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, gw4.geneanet.org |
Tronchin | × | × | ✔️ | hls-dhs-dss.ch, hls-dhs-dss.ch |
Trube | × | × | ✔️ | de.wikisource.org |
Trudaine | × | × | ✔️ | contoudisou.com, persee.fr, racineshistoire.free.fr |
Trudeau | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com, truteau.org, geopatronyme.com, mesaieux.com |
Turgeon | × | × | ✔️ | toponymie.gouv.qc.ca |
Turlin | × | × | ✔️ | sites.google.com |
Turquetil | × | × | ✔️ | turquetil.fr, lyc-turquetil.scola.ac-paris.fr, nordicnames.de |
Téméraire (bateau) | × | × | ✔️ | web.archive.org |
USS Barcelo | × | × | ✔️ | history.navy.mil |
USS Champion | × | × | ✔️ | history.navy.mil |
USS Yorktown | × | × | ✔️ | navy.mil |
Un homme et son péché | × | × | ✔️ | ladouceur.ca |
Unterseeboot 153 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 154 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 155 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 157 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 160 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 161 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 162 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 163 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 164 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 165 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Unterseeboot 167 | × | × | ✔️ | uboat.net |
Van Cleef | × | × | ✔️ | gw.geneanet.org, www2.tribalpages.com, 2.bp.blogspot.com, a2o.com.sg, afterimagegallery.com, balat.kikirpa.be, books.google.com, books.google.fr, co.seneca.ny.us, footo.nl, gershon-lehrer.be, google.fr, groups.msn.com, gw.geneanet.org, gw1.geneanet.org, home.medewerker.uva.nl, lisavancleef.net, lucyvancleef.com, museumvankleef.nl, newadvent.org, rockvillemama.com, sustainyourspirit.com, vankleef.nl, vanzaal.com, web.archive.org, wga.hu, www2.holland.com |
Ventrèche | × | × | ✔️ | dictionnaire.reverso.net, directoalpaladar.com |
Vibrio (homonymie) | × | × | ✔️ | biodiversitylibrary.org |
Vladimir Soloviov | × | × | ✔️ | russiaprofile.org |
Voisard | × | × | ✔️ | geopatronyme.com, trouverunepersonne.canada-411.ca, jeantosti.com |
Walckiers | × | × | ✔️ | liberaalarchief.be |
Waldo | × | × | ✔️ | immersive-robotics.com |
Wegner | × | × | ✔️ | familleunie.fr, moikrewni.pl, verwandt.de, verwant.nl, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Welcome to the Jungle | × | × | ✔️ | welcometothejungle.co |
William Bell | × | × | ✔️ | whbell.net |
Wow | × | × | ✔️ | wow-lab.be |
Église Saint-Georges | × | × | ✔️ | lieuxdeculte.qc.ca |
Éliézer | × | × | ✔️ | nachouraqui.tripod.com, sefarim.fr |
AAR | × | ✔️ | developer.android.com | |
Abbaye de Bonlieu | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Aouad | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, books.google.fr, selwane.com | |
Argonaute (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Artéfact | × | ✔️ | artefacts-encyclopedie.org, adjectif.net, books.google.fr, link.springer.com, saa.uaic.ro, uml-diagrams.org | |
Bełcikowski | × | ✔️ | estreicher.uj.edu.pl | |
Bisi | × | ✔️ | treccani.it | |
Bogros | × | ✔️ | bogros.fr | |
Bougainville (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Bouthillier | × | ✔️ | tel.archives-ouvertes.fr | |
Bâtard | × | ✔️ | books.google.com | |
CHG | × | ✔️ | ville-ge.ch | |
CHT | × | ✔️ | meltingmots.com | |
Carbonate de plomb (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | mindat.org, webmineral.com | |
Centaure (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Chabrol | × | ✔️ | roglo.eu | |
Charles de Lalaing | × | ✔️ | roglo.eu | |
Cherchez la femme | × | ✔️ | phrases.org.uk, books.google.fr, fr.wikisource.org, justice.gouv.fr, archive.org, koryazhma.ru | |
Claudius Marcellus | × | ✔️ | persee.fr, agoraclass.fltr.ucl.ac.be | |
Concile de Chalon | × | ✔️ | archive.org, books.google.com, books.google.fr, museedudiocesedelyon.com | |
Conciles de Tours | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, books.google.fr | |
Conseil du trésor | × | ✔️ | bac-lac.gc.ca, canada.ca, fmi.ca, tbs-sct.gc.ca | |
Cuissot | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Curti (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | books.google.ch | |
DEA | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Dalaï | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Dalia | × | ✔️ | books.google.it | |
Dranse | × | ✔️ | henrysuter.ch | |
Duperré | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Duperré (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Dupetit-Thouars (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Duquesne (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Effet papillon (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | leffetpapillon.com | |
Europe (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | books.google.com | |
Famille de Crécy | × | ✔️ | lemonde.fr | |
Feuilleton | × | ✔️ | histoiredesmedias.com, puf.com, lexpress.fr | |
Francis Garnier (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
Gaudence | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr | |
Geoffroy de Lusignan (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, journals.openedition.org, fmg.ac | |
Godchaux | × | ✔️ | godchaux-fe.pagesperso-orange.fr | |
Goodrich (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Gribouille | × | ✔️ | archive.org | |
Guy | × | ✔️ | artzoomconnection.com | |
HMS Bridport | × | ✔️ | westbay.co.uk | |
HMS Centaur | × | ✔️ | battleships-cruisers.co.uk | |
HMS P36 | × | ✔️ | clydesite.co.uk, rnsubmus.co.uk, uboat.net, web.archive.org | |
HMS P38 | × | ✔️ | clydesite.co.uk, rnsubmus.co.uk, uboat.net, web.archive.org | |
Iotapa | × | ✔️ | books.google.fr | |
Kersaint (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
La Junon | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net, sous-marin.france.pagesperso-orange.fr | |
La Revue anarchiste | × | ✔️ | antimythes.fr, jstor.org, la-critique-libertaire.over-blog.com, acratie.eu, bianco.ficedl.info, books.google.fr, cht.proxience.net, cira.ch, ephemanar.net, epubs.surrey.ac.uk, gallica.bnf.fr, legifrance.gouv.fr, maitron.fr, persee.fr, sudoc.fr | |
Lannes | × | ✔️ | culture.gouv.fr, gw4.geneanet.org, heirsofeurope.blogspot.com, roglo.eu, books.google.fr, lannes.org, roglo.eu | |
Le Clown (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | arte.tv | |
Lundi noir | × | ✔️ | openaccess.leidenuniv.nl | |
Luzzatto | × | ✔️ | jewishencyclopedia.com, jewishvirtuallibrary.org | |
Mange tes morts | × | ✔️ | lefigaro.fr | |
Matérialisme (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | materiologiques.com | |
Maâninou | × | ✔️ | books.google.co.ma, selwane.com | |
Meuron | × | ✔️ | editions-attinger.ch | |
Métis (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | persee.fr, pierre.campion2.free.fr, mediterranees.net, remacle.org | |
NCSM Miramichi | × | ✔️ | canada.ca | |
Naciri | × | ✔️ | books.google.co.ma, books.google.fr, books.google.co.ma, casafree.com, ihaystack.com | |
Otan (homonymie) | × | ✔️ | nato.int | |
PTI | × | ✔️ | pti-nj.com | |
Portrait de Stéphane Mallarmé | × | ✔️ | latribunedelart.com | |
Pourriture | × | ✔️ | doi.org, erudit.org | |
Quintien | × | ✔️ | catholic.org, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, ville-lieusaint.fr | |
Refuge | × | ✔️ | arte.tv | |
Richond | × | ✔️ | archive.org, culture.gouv.fr, gallica.bnf.fr | |
Roi rouge | × | ✔️ | samurai-deeper-kyo-sdk.skyrock.com, samuraideeperkyo.fandom.com | |
Rosselli | × | ✔️ | wga.hu | |
Round-robin | × | ✔️ | books.google.be, books.google.be | |
Siège de Dreux | × | ✔️ | gallica.bnf.fr, dreux-par-pierlouim.over-blog.com, gallica.bnf.fr | |
Start | × | ✔️ | start.umd.edu | |
Tchicamboud | × | ✔️ | basket-ballworld.fr, basketball-reference.com, bebasket.fr, dmcarc.com, dmcarc.com, jeanjacquespambou.unblog.fr, sigstrasbourg.fr, sundaytimesnews.com | |
Tourville (navire) | × | ✔️ | defense.gouv.fr | |
Traoré | × | ✔️ | asawan.org, persee.fr, persee.org | |
Vénus (navire) | × | ✔️ | netmarine.net | |
1984 (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | lacritiquerie.com, numerama.com |
3P | ✔️ | × | × | jcaillon.github.io |
AAA | ✔️ | × | × | apres-vente-auto.com, team-aaa.com |
AASM (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | aasm.fr |
ADELI | ✔️ | × | × | adeli.fr, adeliparis.com |
AE | ✔️ | × | × | universalis.fr, universalis.fr |
AEV | ✔️ | × | × | construire-durable.com, hqe.guidenr.fr |
AL | ✔️ | × | × | archive.org, gallica.bnf.fr, lesclesdumoyenorient.com |
AMAF | ✔️ | × | × | amaf.fr, amaf.mc, doccismef.chu-rouen.fr, echosdafrique.net |
Abel (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | journaldesfemmes.com |
Abidine | ✔️ | × | × | universalis.fr |
Accessoire (droit) | ✔️ | × | × | nimbus.mcgill.ca, nimbus.mcgill.ca |
Acte | ✔️ | × | × | dumaspere.com |
Action récursoire | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Aime et fais ce que tu veux (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | la-croix.com, assomption.org |
Aladin | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.fr |
Alain Berton | ✔️ | × | × | isni.org |
Alain Schneider | ✔️ | × | × | sport50.com |
Alex Blake | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
All Star | ✔️ | × | × | americanradiohistory.com, aria.com.au, bac-lac.gc.ca, bestsellery.zpav.pl, billboard.com, charts.nz, hitparade.ch, ifpi.fi, officialcharts.com, offiziellecharts.de, swedishcharts.com, timarit.is, top40.nl, web.archive.org, australian-charts.com, bac-lac.gc.ca, ultratop.be |
Alliage (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | revel.unice.fr |
Alvéole | ✔️ | × | × | aerovfr.com, loirenature.org, dictionnaire-academie.fr, stella.atilf.fr |
Amphoux | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, lexilogos.com |
Anou (Algérie) | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Ansérine (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | actionsportphysio.com, larousse.fr |
Aoutou | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Apao (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | acronymfinder.com, apao.cc, newstrackindia.com |
Applause | ✔️ | × | × | guitar-museum.com, popnews.com |
Apport | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, nimbus.mcgill.ca, nimbus.mcgill.ca |
Aramis (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr, messageries-maritimes.org |
Arc | ✔️ | × | × | dmarc.org, github.com, graphes.fr |
Arkona | ✔️ | × | × | metal-archives.com |
Arrighi de Casanova | ✔️ | × | × | whoswho.fr |
Asi | ✔️ | × | × | service-public.fr |
Associé | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Astrolabe (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | ville-melun.fr |
Atlan | ✔️ | × | × | cliohworld.net |
Atos (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
Atwood | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Aulagnier | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Autochtone | ✔️ | × | × | laws.justice.gc.ca |
Avit | ✔️ | × | × | t4t35.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Axis | ✔️ | × | × | commentcamarche.net |
Bacon | ✔️ | × | × | wordhistories.com |
Bainbridge | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Bala | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com, semainedelacritique.com |
Ballouhey | ✔️ | × | × | ballouhey-imprimeurs.com, imdb.com |
Bamako (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | france5.fr, lexpress.fr |
Bare-knuckle | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Barrère | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Batraciens | ✔️ | × | × | research.amnh.org |
Baud-Bovy | ✔️ | × | × | gen-gen.ch |
Bayle | ✔️ | × | × | uhb.fr |
Beaulieu | ✔️ | × | × | data.bnf.fr |
Belle | ✔️ | × | × | adour-garonne.eaufrance.fr |
Bellon | ✔️ | × | × | gpescolairerogerbellon.com |
Benoît | ✔️ | × | × | slate.fr |
Bibi | ✔️ | × | × | bombardier.com |
Big Six | ✔️ | × | × | panap.net |
Biodisponibilité | ✔️ | × | × | doi.org, sciencedirect.com |
Bismuthiol | ✔️ | × | × | pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
Blaine | ✔️ | × | × | imec-archives.com |
Blanchard | ✔️ | × | × | americanart.si.edu, books.google.fr, lechorepublicain.fr, oxfordartonline.com, oxforddnb.com, oxfordindex.oup.com, nominis.cef.fr, oxfordartonline.com, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Blanquette | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Blue Moon | ✔️ | × | × | blue-moon.fr, huffingtonpost.fr |
Bonomi | ✔️ | × | × | applicationspub.unil.ch |
Bonus | ✔️ | × | × | rugbyrama.fr |
Bosquet (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | fr.zelda.wikia.com |
Bouisri | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Boulnois | ✔️ | × | × | akoun.com, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Boumaiza | ✔️ | × | × | adab.com, interieur.gov.dz, jeunepiednoir.pagesperso-orange.fr, seybouse.info |
Bourenane | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Bouyahiaoui | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Brites | ✔️ | × | × | arbre-celtique.com, gargantadaserpente.com, jornalismoespecializado.blogs.sapo.pt, myspace.com, panibrites.com |
Bécane | ✔️ | × | × | labecane.ca, labecane.com, labecaneajules.fr |
C'est beau une ville la nuit | ✔️ | × | × | radioscope.fr |
CBZ | ✔️ | × | × | infocenter.arm.com |
CICM | ✔️ | × | × | cicm.mshparisnord.org |
CIT | ✔️ | × | × | gouvernement.fr |
COC | ✔️ | × | × | montpellier.fr, immatriculation.ants.gouv.fr, vosdroits.service-public.fr |
COSI | ✔️ | × | × | cosi.ong |
CPAQ | ✔️ | × | × | aqta.ca, caaaq.gouv.qc.ca |
CSAIO | ✔️ | × | × | association.web.cern.ch, education.gouv.fr |
Cachou (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | lefigaro.fr, paysdelours.com |
Cadart | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Calis | ✔️ | × | × | opac.calis.edu.cn |
Calliope (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Callon | ✔️ | × | × | annales.org, annales.org |
Camille | ✔️ | × | × | reporterre.net, tempsreel.nouvelobs.com, capillaexaltacion.gov.ar |
Canne | ✔️ | × | × | objetsdhier.com |
Cao (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | lejournal.cnrs.fr |
Cap Caval | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Carence | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Carmen | ✔️ | × | × | lefigaro.fr, lescharts.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Carpe asiatique | ✔️ | × | × | mffp.gouv.qc.ca, radio-canada.ca, carnetdecapture.info, ici.radio-canada.ca, invadingspecies.com, mnr.gov.on.ca |
Carpzov | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wikisource.org |
Carte blanche | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Cassin | ✔️ | × | × | arlingtoncemetery.net, cc-valdegers.fr, cs.arizona.edu, don-ruminations.blogspot.com |
Cassis | ✔️ | × | × | statue-de-la-liberte.com, cnrtl.fr |
Castel | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Caton | ✔️ | × | × | andrebercoff.com, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, persee.fr |
Chakir | ✔️ | × | × | signification-prenom.com |
Champ | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Chapatte | ✔️ | × | × | filae.com, geneanet.org, grand-armorial.net |
Chapelon (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | noms.rues.st.etienne.free.fr |
Château de Bierville | ✔️ | × | × | france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr, leparisien.fr |
Cigarette (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | ecogestlp.ac-rouen.fr |
Cinq Planètes | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr |
Clapier | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Classe | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Claude Richard | ✔️ | × | × | notrecinema.com |
Cliche | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wiktionary.org |
CoCoCo | ✔️ | × | × | cococo.co.cr, cococo.dk, cs.vu.nl, moneyhouse.ch |
Cocorico | ✔️ | × | × | productionsillimitees.com, richet.christian.free.fr, richet.christian.free.fr |
Colonieu | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr, nom-famille.com |
Coming Home | ✔️ | × | × | forum-auto.com |
Concordia | ✔️ | × | × | concordia.ca, concordia.fr, concordia.ca |
Conestoga | ✔️ | × | × | accessgenealogy.com, avionslegendaires.net, lexiqueducheval.net |
Conférence de Madrid | ✔️ | × | × | 100-ans-de-radio.com |
Congruence | ✔️ | × | × | conseil-constitutionnel.fr |
Conil | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Conseil d'État | ✔️ | × | × | conseil-etat-dz.org |
Contrat d'association | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Contrat de société | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Contrat entre absents | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Copule | ✔️ | × | × | md.ucl.ac.be, musica-stnazaire.com, musicologie.org |
Cornelius Sulla | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wikisource.org, ruffodecalabre.be |
Cornutus | ✔️ | × | × | cbif.gc.ca |
Cour des comptes | ✔️ | × | × | intosai.org |
Crainte | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, larousse.fr |
Crise | ✔️ | × | × | patricklagadec.net |
Crodel | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Crépeau | ✔️ | × | × | atlas.nrcan.gc.ca, creum.umontreal.ca, images.google.fr, mrnf.gouv.qc.ca, pourvoirietrudeau.com, toponymes-archives.vendee.fr, assnat.qc.ca, gallica.bnf.fr, geopatronyme.com, linternaute.com, nom-famille.com, stat.gouv.qc.ca, geneanet.org |
Crăciunescu | ✔️ | × | × | en.soccerwiki.org, transfermarkt.de |
Cydney | ✔️ | × | × | behindthename.com, censusrecords.com, howmanyofme.com, nationalarchives.gov.uk, ourbabynamer.com, thinkbabynames.com |
Cyrille | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org, meilleursprenoms.com |
Célia | ✔️ | × | × | journaldesfemmes.com |
Céline | ✔️ | × | × | etymonline.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Célébration (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | film-documentaire.fr |
Côme (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | arte.tv, aufeminin.com |
DGH | ✔️ | × | × | securite-sociale.fr |
DHT | ✔️ | × | × | non-au-mercure-dentaire.org |
DSA | ✔️ | × | × | culturecommunication.gouv.fr, dsa-technologies.com |
Daniel Dewar | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Dare | ✔️ | × | × | patoisneuchatelois.net |
Darius | ✔️ | × | × | nominis.cef.fr |
Delga | ✔️ | × | × | journaldesfemmes.com |
Delobel | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Demeure | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, linternaute.com, linternaute.fr |
Dendrite | ✔️ | × | × | artpublicmontreal.ca, museosphere.paris.fr |
Dendrophilie (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | dendrogrove.eu |
Deriche | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Dermagne | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wiktionary.org |
Desmares | ✔️ | × | × | culture.gouv.fr |
Despretz | ✔️ | × | × | monumentum.fr |
Diapason (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | meilleurduchef.com, presses-idf.fr, hydraule.org |
Dimitri | ✔️ | × | × | days.pravoslavie.ru, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Distribution | ✔️ | × | × | gutenberg.eu.org, sciencedirect.com |
Djampa | ✔️ | × | × | unice.fr |
Dol | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, vatican.va |
Dolomieu | ✔️ | × | × | toponymie.gouv.qc.ca, google.ca |
Donker | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Doom (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | google.com, wordsense.eu |
Drainage | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.be, dictionary.cambridge.org, en.wikisource.org, etymonline.com, multi-flow.com |
Droïde | ✔️ | × | × | edf.fr, lesechos.fr, lindependant.fr, dictionnaire.exionnaire.com, pcmag.com |
Duc (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | nominis.cef.fr |
Dujardin | ✔️ | × | × | collection-appareils.fr, ledevoir.com |
Dulieu | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Dégazage | ✔️ | × | × | boedeker.com, cas.web.cern.ch, m.eet.com, vacuum.demaco.nl |
ED | ✔️ | × | × | infosoins.fr |
EIR | ✔️ | × | × | ec.europa.eu |
ENEF | ✔️ | × | × | enef.fr, ec.europa.eu, rfi.fr |
ENO | ✔️ | × | × | ec.europa.eu |
Elgee | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Elk | ✔️ | × | × | elastic.co, monitoring-fr.org |
Encre (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | babelio.com, bleudencre.6mablog.com, defense.gouv.fr, eclatsdencre.com, editions-gdencre.ch, editionsangdencre.com, encreetlumiere.org, encrefraiche.ch, foliesdencre.com, francephi.com, griffedencre.fr, jetsdencre.fr, lacauselitteraire.fr, largevision.fr, lebuveurdencre.fr, les2encres.net, lesbelleslettres.com, orient-lib.com, parfumdencre.ca, revues-plurielles.org, salondulivreprovins.fr, voix-dencre.net |
Endless | ✔️ | × | × | endlessos.com |
Erina | ✔️ | × | × | dictionaries.nihongoresources.com, saiga-jp.com, fenualivre.com |
Eurosphère | ✔️ | × | × | eurosphere.uib.no, urbandictionary.com |
Ex machina | ✔️ | × | × | pixelcreation.fr |
FFTB | ✔️ | × | × | monomur.com |
FNCC | ✔️ | × | × | fncc.fr |
FO | ✔️ | × | × | treaties.un.org |
FR | ✔️ | × | × | treaties.un.org |
Fabiani | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Factor 8 | ✔️ | × | × | factor8movie.com, ecranlarge.com |
Falcon | ✔️ | × | × | pcworld.fr, nominis.cef.fr |
Fame | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Farout | ✔️ | × | × | fftt.com |
Favier | ✔️ | × | × | archives.allier.fr |
Fazez | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Felloni | ✔️ | × | × | herald.ie, independent.ie |
Feroz Khan | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Fiduciaire | ✔️ | × | × | businessdictionary.com |
Filkou | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Fjeld | ✔️ | × | × | universalis.fr |
Flexnet | ✔️ | × | × | flexerasoftware.com, afthd.tu-darmstadt.de |
Flock (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | dessins-humour-labouheyre.fr |
Fonds de solidarité | ✔️ | × | × | travail-emploi.gouv.fr |
Fonlupt | ✔️ | × | × | bertignat.com, books.google.fr, filae.com, grand-dictionnaire-latin.com, henripourrat.fr, maitron.fr |
Fontanella | ✔️ | × | × | bild.de |
Forget | ✔️ | × | × | mathildeforget.com |
Freddy | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
Freitag | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
GOST | ✔️ | × | × | ccis-expertise.com, fr.sgs.com, gearsoftesting.org |
Galette | ✔️ | × | × | galette.tuxfamily.org, humanite.fr, pistes.fr, littre.org |
Game of Death | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Gamer (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | en.oxforddictionaries.com, oqlf.gouv.qc.ca |
Ganache (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | atilf.atilf.fr, dico-definitions.com, parolesmania.com |
Garde (droit) | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, educaloi.qc.ca |
Gautherot | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Germanova | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Gevrey | ✔️ | × | × | vins-bourgogne.fr, vins-bourgogne.fr |
Ghostbusters (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | 20minutes.fr |
Gigolette | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Gigue | ✔️ | × | × | sudoc.abes.fr |
Gilead | ✔️ | × | × | jw.org |
Gluon (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | aws.amazon.com |
Godde | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Gontard | ✔️ | × | × | stephane-gontard.com, geopatronyme.com |
Gonzague | ✔️ | × | × | nominis.cef.fr, santiebeati.it, meilleursprenoms.com |
Gonzalve | ✔️ | × | × | catholicsaints.info, nominis.cef.fr, santiebeati.it, geopatronyme.com |
Goum (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | bdcontern.lu |
Graindorge | ✔️ | × | × | geopatronyme.com, ouest-france.fr |
Grenelle | ✔️ | × | × | gouvernement.fr, pur-editions.fr, toponymie.gouv.qc.ca |
Grimal | ✔️ | × | × | academieoutremer.fr |
Grossi | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Groulx | ✔️ | × | × | lequebecunehistoiredefamille.com |
Grousset | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Guedj | ✔️ | × | × | tribu12.com |
Gueydon | ✔️ | × | × | academiedemarine.com |
HCL | ✔️ | × | × | github.com, zdnet.fr |
HMS Blyth | ✔️ | × | × | royalnavy.mod.uk |
Hadhoum | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Hainaut | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wikisource.org |
Hank | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Hassan | ✔️ | × | × | ancient-hebrew.org, artengine.ca, books.google.com, books.google.fr, hoganstand.com, irishtimes.com, jewishencyclopedia.com, medievalscotland.org, surnamedb.com, trueconnection.org, ulsterancestry.com, avotaynu.com, independent.co.uk, italian-family-history.com, jpost.com, sephardicgen.com, templetulsa.com |
Henri Martin | ✔️ | × | × | centrepompidou.fr, idref.fr, ledelarge.fr, data.bnf.fr, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Henrotte | ✔️ | × | × | christophe-henrotte.com |
Herman | ✔️ | × | × | ladepeche.fr |
Hervier | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Heyer | ✔️ | × | × | ouest-france.fr |
Hiruko | ✔️ | × | × | cat.inist.fr |
Hulk (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | mobygames.com |
Humblot | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.co.uk, books.google.fr, data.bnf.fr, geopatronyme.com, legifrance.gouv.fr, liberation.fr, lyceefr.org, resistance62.net, senat.fr |
Hydrops | ✔️ | × | × | dictionnaire.academie-medecine.fr |
Hémard | ✔️ | × | × | data.bnf.fr |
IEP | ✔️ | × | × | elinux.org |
IPA | ✔️ | × | × | IPA, paruresis.org, credit-agricole.fr, kompass.com, luxnatur.lu, ordre-infirmiers.fr, prefon.fr |
IPSO (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | ipso.de, ipsoquebec.org |
IREC | ✔️ | × | × | irec.net |
Ian Wallace (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Interférence (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | editions-interferences.com |
Iphigénie en Tauride | ✔️ | × | × | flickr.com |
Iridium (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | gnu.org, gnu.org |
Irinislimane | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Iris | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
JDSF | ✔️ | × | × | conference.cisse2008.org, jdsf.sourceforge.net, www2.computer.org, marf.cvs.sourceforge.net |
Jack | ✔️ | × | × | web.ac-reims.fr, behindthename.com, etymonline.com, vimeo.com |
Jacques Bernard | ✔️ | × | × | ledelarge.fr, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Jacques Leduc (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | hasel.be, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Jaguar (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | netmarine.net |
Jakšić | ✔️ | × | × | russkiymir.ru |
Jan van Aken (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Jean Dubreuil (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Jean-François Leroy | ✔️ | × | × | bertrandgrimont.com, cmp-corsica.com, leroy-sculptures.com |
Jeu fonctionnel | ✔️ | × | × | scribd.com |
Jinding | ✔️ | × | × | baike.baidu.com |
Johann Matthias | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com, sikart.ch, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Jourde | ✔️ | × | × | freemasons-freemasonry.com |
Juan Segura | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Juge judiciaire | ✔️ | × | × | doi.org |
Jugement interlocutoire | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Jugement par défaut | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, avocat.qc.ca, justice.gouv.qc.ca, www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca |
Jérôme | ✔️ | × | × | projetbabel.org |
KOI | ✔️ | × | × | tunein.com |
Kando | ✔️ | × | × | michaellanglois.org, oxfordreference.com |
Keita | ✔️ | × | × | asie360.com, leparisien.fr, asie360.com |
Kelly | ✔️ | × | × | bide-et-musique.com, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Kertész | ✔️ | × | × | litteraturehongroise.fr |
Kevin | ✔️ | × | × | ecrans.fr, heiligenlexikon.de, lepoint.fr, prenoms.doctissimo.fr, slate.fr |
Kluyver | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Krodel | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
L'Ami de l'ordre (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | wikiart.org |
L'Invitation | ✔️ | × | × | inis.qc.ca |
L'Étrangère | ✔️ | × | × | tvmag.lefigaro.fr |
La Cène d'Emmaüs | ✔️ | × | × | biblegateway.com |
La Fin du monde | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
La Gracieuse | ✔️ | × | × | defense.gouv.fr, histoire-genealogie.com, lewebpedagogique.com, meretmarine.com, netmarine.net, threedecks.org |
La Maison du pendu | ✔️ | × | × | leparisien.fr |
La Résolue | ✔️ | × | × | atlanticchallenge2014.ojc-communication.com |
Lafayette | ✔️ | × | × | lafayetteconseil.com, lexilogos.com, planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov |
Lama | ✔️ | × | × | ethnologue.com |
Lambda (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | lambda.org |
Lasagne (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | pcr-rcp.ca |
Lattre | ✔️ | × | × | histoiredumonde.net, thierryprouvost.com |
Lavallée | ✔️ | × | × | netmarine.net, veterans.gc.ca |
Lavonen | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Le Bon Exemple | ✔️ | × | × | data.bnf.fr |
Le Cinquième Cavalier (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | data.bnf.fr |
Le Monde libre | ✔️ | × | × | lesechos.fr |
Le Passage | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Le Tombeau hindou | ✔️ | × | × | cinema.arte.tv |
Le Travail du furet | ✔️ | × | × | revues-de-cinema.net, sceneario.com |
Lenne | ✔️ | × | × | geoportail.gouv.fr |
Lentz | ✔️ | × | × | transfermarkt.fr |
Lepeltier | ✔️ | × | × | thomas.lepeltier.free.fr |
Les Rois maudits (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | youtube.com |
Leszek Talko | ✔️ | × | × | wab.com.pl |
Ligérien | ✔️ | × | × | larousse.fr, pays-de-la-loire.developpement-durable.gouv.fr, artflsrv02.uchicago.edu |
Lièvre de mer (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | abrisousroche.com, auction-fr.com, poisson-or.com, recif-france.com, qc.dfo-mpo.gc.ca, books.google.fr |
Lorna | ✔️ | × | × | signification-prenom.com |
Lothaire | ✔️ | × | × | forum-orthodoxe.com, ieo-oc.org, nominis.cef.fr |
Lotto | ✔️ | × | × | csq.qc.net |
Lumière noire (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | marvel-world.com |
Luna Park | ✔️ | × | × | azurpark.com, estrepublicain.fr, leprogres.fr, lunapark-quimper.com, ouest-france.fr, post-gazette.com |
MGI | ✔️ | × | × | mgi-fr.com |
MJD | ✔️ | × | × | justice.gouv.fr |
Mal des montagnes | ✔️ | × | × | dictionnaire.academie-medecine.fr |
Malval (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | cols-cyclisme.com, servancnaute.fr |
Malvina | ✔️ | × | × | tonprenom.com, tous-les-prenoms.com |
Mangouste | ✔️ | × | × | bloc.com, cnrtl.fr |
Mantel | ✔️ | × | × | gerhard-mantel.de, schott-music.com |
Marasme | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Maref | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Margueritte | ✔️ | × | × | cassini.ehess.fr |
Marius | ✔️ | × | × | unadev.com |
Martha | ✔️ | × | × | defense.gouv.fr, u-boote.fr |
Matsubara | ✔️ | × | × | ptp.ipap.jp, ptp.ipap.jp |
Maurice Champion | ✔️ | × | × | artnet.com |
Max Hoffmann (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Mazeaud | ✔️ | × | × | abonnes.lemonde.fr, courdecassation.fr, daniel-mainguy.over-blog.com, lejdd.fr |
Melissa Thomas | ✔️ | × | × | yourhoustonnews.com |
Mercury | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
Mezali | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Mike | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
Minerva | ✔️ | × | × | link.springer.com |
Minerve | ✔️ | × | × | authenticite.fr, www3.france-galop.com |
Ministère de l'Information | ✔️ | × | × | diplomatie.gouv.fr, information.gov.kh, moi.gov.sy |
Miramar | ✔️ | × | × | sonmarroig.com |
Monnerie | ✔️ | × | × | cairn.info, jso.revues.org, sspsd.u-strasbg.fr |
Morel | ✔️ | × | × | toponymie.gouv.qc.ca |
Morpion | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Mosaic | ✔️ | × | × | mosaic-expedition.org, rse-magazine.com |
Mou | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Mouhamou | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Moyen Âge (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | timemaps.com |
Mulet (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr |
Mûroise | ✔️ | × | × | dictionnaire.reverso.net, liberation.fr, nouveau-dictionnaire.la-connaissance.net |
NIB | ✔️ | × | × | nib.int |
NLTT | ✔️ | × | × | www2.parc.com |
Nabuchodonosor | ✔️ | × | × | padampadam.fr |
Nala (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | archive.org, books.google.fr, luangnamtha-tourism.org, sanskrit.inria.fr, spokensanskrit.de, vmmi.sumscorp.com |
Nato | ✔️ | × | × | h-spot.net |
Neptune | ✔️ | × | × | jnmasselot.free.fr, lefigaro.fr, pays-de-la-loire.france3.fr, plouguerneau.net, scubaland.org |
Nico | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, signification-prenom.net |
Niels Rasmussen | ✔️ | × | × | liveauctioneers.com |
Nizan | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Nièvre | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Noctambus | ✔️ | × | × | tisseo.fr |
Normation | ✔️ | × | × | cip-idf.org, www2.ademe.fr |
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes | ✔️ | × | × | abbaye-saint-benoit.ch, cath-vd.ch, lefigaro.fr |
Novak | ✔️ | × | × | pagesperso-orange.fr, radiopek.co.yu |
OBE | ✔️ | × | × | oldbattlefieldentertainer.com |
Octavien (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Olaf | ✔️ | × | × | ec.europa.eu, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, nordicnames.de |
Olagnier | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Ordre administratif | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Ordre judiciaire | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Orgue (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | portail.atilf.fr |
Ozone (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | flyozone.com |
PBS | ✔️ | × | × | 6juin1944.com |
PEPS | ✔️ | × | × | ademe.fr, artelys.com, atee.fr, enea-consulting.com, entreprises.gouv.fr, g2elab.grenoble-inp.fr, guideduportage.com |
PPF | ✔️ | × | × | police-nationale.interieur.gouv.fr, ppforum.ca, Forum%20des%20politique%20publique |
PTM | ✔️ | × | × | en.wikibooks.org, pantesmort.fr, ptmonline.1fr1.net, ptmonline.egame-star.com |
Paco | ✔️ | × | × | brigitteberthelot.com, ssa.gov, nominis.cef.fr |
Pagination | ✔️ | × | × | avenirnumerique.blogspot.fr |
Pahari | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.co.uk, sil.org |
Paname | ✔️ | × | × | linternaute.com |
Parangon | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr, gameinfo.euw.leagueoflegends.com |
Parascève | ✔️ | × | × | persee.fr |
Paris by Night | ✔️ | × | × | bachfilms.com |
Parthénios | ✔️ | × | × | remacle.org, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, remacle.org |
Patate | ✔️ | × | × | marinplongee.com, grandrobert.lerobert.com, la-haute-saone.com |
Paul Vacher | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.pl, legalionparfums.com |
Paulo Moura | ✔️ | × | × | di.ubi.pt |
Pembina | ✔️ | × | × | albertasource.ca |
Peretti | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Perry | ✔️ | × | × | naxosmusiclibrary.com, jeantosti.com |
Petitpierre | ✔️ | × | × | images.jdt.bibliotheque.toulouse.fr |
Petropavlovsk | ✔️ | × | × | funeral-spb.narod.ru, funeral-spb.narod.ru |
Philippiques | ✔️ | × | × | portail.atilf.fr |
Pic | ✔️ | × | × | ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
Pierre Armand | ✔️ | × | × | unifrance.org |
Pierre Mirault | ✔️ | × | × | billetreduc.com, museedelaresistanceenligne.org, books.google.fr |
Planson | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Pogo | ✔️ | × | × | contentzone.eurocontrol.int |
Poland | ✔️ | × | × | livesonline.rcseng.ac.uk |
Politique (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | politique.eu.org, books.google.fr |
Popa | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Portos | ✔️ | × | × | francetvpro.fr |
Poudre aux yeux | ✔️ | × | × | linternaute.com |
Poupée (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | cigarillos.cigarette-en-ligne.fr |
Poux | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Praxitèle (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr |
Premier-Octobre | ✔️ | × | × | annuaire-mairie.fr, bing.com, cassini.ehess.fr, geoportail.fr, geoportail.gouv.fr, google.fr, huffpostmaghreb.com, insee.fr, lagrandemotte-architecture.com, maps.google.fr, openstreetmap.org, rue-ville.info, viamichelin.fr, wego.here.com |
Privilège de secret d'État | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, jurist.law.pitt.edu, lclark.edu |
Prix (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | autoritedelaconcurrence.fr |
Prix des lycéens | ✔️ | × | × | prixlyceenses.blogspot.fr |
Prosper | ✔️ | × | × | oktal.fr, scanersimulation.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Provence (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | filae.com, gw.geneanet.org |
Provence (navire) | ✔️ | × | × | cargos-paquebots.net |
Préfet Duval | ✔️ | × | × | archives.haute-garonne.fr, books.google.nl |
Puttelange | ✔️ | × | × | cc-albe-lacs.com |
QMF | ✔️ | × | × | etremarin.fr |
RCM | ✔️ | × | × | rcm-online.fr |
ROC | ✔️ | × | × | decroissance.ch |
Ramos | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Ranger | ✔️ | × | × | ranger.nongnu.org |
Rauch | ✔️ | × | × | univ-lemans.fr |
Recevabilité | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, dictionnaire-juridique.com |
Redjouani | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Redstone | ✔️ | × | × | linformaticien.com |
Relictuel | ✔️ | × | × | dico-sciences-animales.cirad.fr, dico-sciences-animales.cirad.fr |
Remploi | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca, usherbrooke.ca |
Richard Evans | ✔️ | × | × | lexpress.fr, lexpress.fr |
Richert | ✔️ | × | × | taaf.fr |
Ricklin | ✔️ | × | × | genealogie.com, geneanet.org |
Rigolo | ✔️ | × | × | bide-et-musique.com, discogs.com, imdb.com, livrenpoche.com |
Rita | ✔️ | × | × | douane.gouv.fr |
Robert Leroux | ✔️ | × | × | encyclopediecanadienne.ca |
Robert O'Neill (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | elt.oup.com, imdb.com |
Robinson | ✔️ | × | × | bedetheque.com |
Roche Percée | ✔️ | × | × | lieux-insolites.fr |
Rochet | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr, lindependantdu4e.typepad.fr |
Rocket Man (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | fr.yahoo.com |
Rogniat | ✔️ | × | × | data.bnf.fr |
Rostaing | ✔️ | × | × | sudouest.com |
Rowan | ✔️ | × | × | en.heilkraeuter.net, fruitsinfo.com, eattheweeds.com, verkehrshaus.ch |
Rue Saint-Étienne | ✔️ | × | × | vieux-lyon.org |
Ruiz | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org, ine.es |
Ryan | ✔️ | × | × | telerama.fr |
Région Sud | ✔️ | × | × | laregion.fr, nicematin.com |
Résilience | ✔️ | × | × | journals.openedition.org, cnrtl.fr |
Rétif | ✔️ | × | × | retif.eu |
SLM | ✔️ | × | × | yabiladi.com |
SMT | ✔️ | × | × | 6juin1944.com |
SSP | ✔️ | × | × | scribd.com, highbeam.com |
STCA | ✔️ | × | × | eurocontrol.int |
STO | ✔️ | × | × | blockchainfrance.net |
Saint Amand | ✔️ | × | × | forum-orthodoxe.com, infobretagne.com, nominis.cef.fr, nominis.cef.fr |
Saint Arnoul | ✔️ | × | × | halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr, nominis.cef.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Saint Jean | ✔️ | × | × | calendrier.egliseorthodoxe.com, catholicsaints.info, cef.nominis.fr, nominis.cef.fr |
Saint Libert | ✔️ | × | × | societearcheotouraine.eu, nominis.cef.fr, societearcheotouraine.eu |
Saint Pabu | ✔️ | × | × | tudy.chez-alice.fr |
Saint Savin | ✔️ | × | × | geneanet.org |
Saint Sicaire | ✔️ | × | × | e-prenoms.com, e-prenoms.fr, forum, heiligenlexikon.de, nominis.cef.fr, sudouest.fr |
Saint Vincent | ✔️ | × | × | ac-reims.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, forum-orthodoxe.com, nominis.cef.fr, prenommer.com |
Saint-Barnabé | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wikikto.eu |
Saint-Hubert | ✔️ | × | × | arpege-piano.net, groupe-sthubert.fr |
Saint-Materne | ✔️ | × | × | ardennes.org, enseignement.be, tourisme-alsace.info |
Sainte Élisabeth | ✔️ | × | × | nominis.cef.fr, nominis.cef.fr |
Sainte-Geneviève | ✔️ | × | × | toponymie.gouv.qc.ca |
Sainte-Marguerite | ✔️ | × | × | cassini.ehess.fr |
Sainte-Paule | ✔️ | × | × | lescommunesdelafrance.com |
Salamandre | ✔️ | × | × | ladepeche.fr |
Sammy | ✔️ | × | × | signification-prenom.com |
Sandre (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | nominis.cef.fr, parents.fr, sandre.eaufrance.fr |
Sandrine | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Sativa | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com, itunes.apple.com, sativanorte-boyaca.gov.co, ipni.org, telecharger-ebook.chapitre.com |
Sauterelle | ✔️ | × | × | inventaire.culture.gouv.fr, plongepave.com, web.archive.org |
Schlumberger | ✔️ | × | × | schlumberger.at, forebears.io |
Second degré | ✔️ | × | × | educaloi.qc.ca |
Seize-Septembre | ✔️ | × | × | annuaire-mairie.fr, bing.com, fr.mappy.com, geoportail.gouv.fr, google.fr, kmska.be, lavoixdunord.fr, liberationlure.fr, maps.google.fr, onac-vg.fr, openstreetmap.org, rue-ville.info, viamichelin.fr, wego.here.com |
Sept-Saints | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr |
Serge | ✔️ | × | × | ieo-oc.org, nominis.cef.fr |
Shin | ✔️ | × | × | kanji.free.fr |
Sidonie | ✔️ | × | × | sidonie.cnrt.nc, clairval.com, nominis.cef.fr |
Silver Lake | ✔️ | × | × | geonames.usgs.gov |
Simple | ✔️ | × | × | FranceTerme.culture.fr, franceterme.culture.fr |
Skyline Airways | ✔️ | × | × | aviation-safety.net, bfmtv.com |
Snellinck | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Sorne (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | catalogue.bnf.fr |
Spartan | ✔️ | × | × | spartanconsole.com |
Spirit of America | ✔️ | × | × | spiritofamerica.net |
Squeeze | ✔️ | × | × | docteurclic.com, docteurclic.com |
Star | ✔️ | × | × | lemonde.fr |
Station | ✔️ | × | × | pdnews.yagg.com, sitemap.dna.fr, sitemap.dna.fr |
Steinacker | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Stokes | ✔️ | × | × | oxforddnb.com, tate.org.uk |
Stratonice | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, persee.fr, zelve.com.tr, books.google.fr, persee.fr |
Subrogation personnelle | ✔️ | × | × | canlii.ca |
Surcouf (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | netmarine.net, geopatronyme.com |
Surugue | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Suzanne Bidault | ✔️ | × | × | ipr.univ-paris1.fr |
Suzanne Borel | ✔️ | × | × | ipr.univ-paris1.fr |
Sydney Smith | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.fr |
Synthétiseur (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | audiovisualizers.com |
Södra | ✔️ | × | × | fr.wiktionary.org |
Sœur (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com |
Sœurs de la Providence | ✔️ | × | × | 52.catholique.fr, gallica.bnf.fr, viereligieuse.fr |
TAO | ✔️ | × | × | drugs.com |
TEP | ✔️ | × | × | lequipement.fr |
TPP | ✔️ | × | × | infotpp.be |
TROD | ✔️ | × | × | testscovid19.fr |
Taj Mahal (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | script-o-rama.com |
Tam-Tam | ✔️ | × | × | agglo-muretain.fr, larousse.fr |
Tardon | ✔️ | × | × | futura-sciences.com |
Tarkovski | ✔️ | × | × | editions-verdier.fr |
Tastet | ✔️ | × | × | ffothello.org |
Taxis | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, junemanga.com, thurnundtaxisbiere.de, www2.gnb.ca, archive.org, books.google.fr |
Teddy | ✔️ | × | × | wikipf.net |
That's What I Like (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | discogs.com |
The Big One | ✔️ | × | × | geo.fr, lefigaro.fr, lemonde.fr |
The Border Legion | ✔️ | × | × | gutenberg.org |
The Stranger | ✔️ | × | × | en.wikisource.org |
Tiercelin | ✔️ | × | × | base-armma.edel.univ-poitiers.fr |
Tiger | ✔️ | × | × | nongnu.org, nongnu.org |
Tombstone | ✔️ | × | × | agence-vintage.com |
Tome | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Torcy | ✔️ | × | × | andrebourgeois.fr, antiquites-en-france.com, books.google.ca, landrucimetieres.fr, ressources-cla.univ-fcomte.fr |
Tout ou rien (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | premiere.fr |
Township | ✔️ | × | × | info.gov.za, lawsoc.co.za, lts.co.za |
Traité de Lhassa | ✔️ | × | × | kingship.indologie.uni-muenchen.de |
Tribunal judiciaire (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca, ontario.ca |
Tropisme | ✔️ | × | × | cnrtl.fr |
Trou du cul | ✔️ | × | × | actu.fr, dictionnairedelazone.fr |
Tur | ✔️ | × | × | ac-grenoble.fr, centraledesmarches.com, ww2.ac-poitiers.fr |
UPEC (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | hqe.guidenr.fr |
Une bouteille à la mer | ✔️ | × | × | liberation.fr |
Vagnetti | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
Valette | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, books.google.fr |
Van Horne | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, encyclopedia.com, www2.biusante.parisdescartes.fr |
Vernier | ✔️ | × | × | cnap.fr, data.bnf.fr, europalingua.eu |
Victor Dubreuil | ✔️ | × | × | biographi.ca, patronsdefrance.fr |
Ville du printemps éternel | ✔️ | × | × | lepetitjournal.com, absolut-colombia.com |
Vince Ventura | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
Vingt-Neuf-Août | ✔️ | × | × | annuaire-mairie.fr, bing.com, geoportail.fr, geoportail.gouv.fr, maps.google.fr, memorialgenweb.org, openstreetmap.org, rue-ville.info, servicehistorique.defense.gouv.fr, viamichelin.fr |
Viollier | ✔️ | × | × | books.google.fr, oxfordindex.oup.com, books.google.fr |
Vélocité | ✔️ | × | × | velocite-montpellier.fr, velocite63.fr, velocite86.org, velocite.ch, scrum.org |
Weber | ✔️ | × | × | weberpianos.com, usasurnames.com |
Westphal | ✔️ | × | × | odnb2.ifactory.com, oxfordindex.oup.com |
Wild Bill | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.fr |
Wilson | ✔️ | × | × | ville-dunkerque.fr, geopatronyme.com |
Winkelmann | ✔️ | × | × | oxfordindex.oup.com |
X3 | ✔️ | × | × | imdb.com |
XBT (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | bitcoin.fr |
XH | ✔️ | × | × | le-site-du-x.over-blog.com |
XXL | ✔️ | × | × | agendaou.fr, lamerxxl.com, xxl-corsaire.fr |
XXX | ✔️ | × | × | icann.org |
XXXX (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | paperblog.fr |
Zanoun | ✔️ | × | × | electronicintifada.net, kompass.com, nom-famille.com, service-entreprise.118000.fr, visomap.com, wikimapia.org |
Zelda | ✔️ | × | × | franceinter.fr |
Zerbib | ✔️ | × | × | gallica.bnf.fr, beni-znassen.forumaroc.net |
Zhang | ✔️ | × | × | france5.fr |
Zizi | ✔️ | × | × | leberry.fr, repetto.fr |
Zniber | ✔️ | × | × | aan.mmsh.univ-aix.fr, actu-maroc.com, blanee.com, books.google.fr, douane.gov.ma, fm6e.org, google.fr, idpc.ma, lematin.ma, lesassos.com, maghress.com, said.hajji.name, selwane.com, toutrabat.com |
Économie | ✔️ | × | × | eglise.catholique.fr, psychologie.savoir.fr |
Éditions du Ponant | ✔️ | × | × | annuaire.com, moneyhouse.ch, societe.com |
Église Notre-Dame | ✔️ | × | × | exarchat.eu |
Église Saint-Gal | ✔️ | × | × | cc-basse-zorn.fr, messes.info, patrimoine-lot.com |
Église Sainte-Geneviève | ✔️ | × | × | swietagenowefa.fr, cosmovisions.com |
Éliette | ✔️ | × | × | hachette.com, ventsdouest.com, videos.tf1.fr, poetesenliberte.skyrock.com |
États unis (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | legifrance.gouv.fr |
Étirage | ✔️ | × | × | larousse.fr |
Œil de bœuf (homonymie) | ✔️ | × | × | social-sante.gouv.fr |
⊗ | ✔️ | × | × | franqus.ca, salic-slmc.ca |