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  • Étymologie παραϐολή
  • JVL 2008 ieEncyclopaedia Judaica Some examples are Nathan's parable (II Sam. 12:1–5), and the parables of the Surviving Son (II Sam. 14:5b–7), the Escaped Prisoner (I Kings 20:39–40), the Disappointing Vineyard (Isa. 5:1b–6) and the Farmer's Skill (Isa. 28:24–29). All but the last-named are followed by explicit interpretations. The rhetorical question with which the Book of Jonah ends may suggest that the book was intended as a parable. Ruth, too, may be a parable, with its more subtle point underlined by the appended genealogy.
  • Parable JE The Old Testament contains only five parables,corresponding to the definition here given, aside from a few symbolic stories, such as Ezek. iii. 24-26, iv. 1-4, and xxiv. 3-5. These parables are as follows: (1) Of the poor man who had raised a single lamb which a wealthy neighbor took to set before a guest (II Sam. xii. 1-4); intended to illustrate the sin which David had committed with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife. (2) Of the wise woman of Tekoah, who induced David to make peace with his son Absalom (ib. xiv. 6-8). (3) Of the prophet's disciple, showing Ahab the wrong course which he had adopted toward Ben-hadad (I Kings xx. 39-40). (4) Of the vineyard which does not thrive despite the care bestowed upon it (Isa. v. 1-6), illustrating Israel's degeneracy. (5) Of the farmer who does not plow continually, but prepares the field and sows his seed, arranging all his work in due order (Isa. xxviii. 24-28); intended to show the methodical activity of God. All these parables were based on conditions familiar at the time; and even the event described in II Sam. xiv. 6-8 was probably no rare occurrence, in view of the custom which then prevailed of avenging bloodshed.
  • Parables CE Nathan's rebuke to David is couched in the form of a parable (2 Samuel 12:1-4) so the wise woman of Thecua (2 Samuel 14:4); so the Prophet to Achab (1 Kings 20:39); and the song of the vineyard (lsaiah 5:1-8). It has been suggested that chapters 1-3 of Osee must be construed as a parable, and do not contain a real history. The denunciation of woe on Jerusalem in Ezekiel 24:3-5, is expressly named a mashal [...]. Hence we need not take into account the Old Testament passages, Isaiah 20:2-4;2 Jeremiah 25:15; Ezekiel 3:24-26, etc.
  • Mashal :en
  • Parable :en
  • Daniel Boyarin, Sparks of the Logos: Essays in Rabbinic Hermeneutics. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2003

Les paraboles de l'Ancien Testament sont peu nombreuses. La Jewish Encyclopedia (1906) en dénombre cinq au sens strict : 2 Sam 12:1-4, 2 Sam 14:6-8, 1 R 20:39-40, Is 5:1-6 et Is 28:24-28.

La Catholic Encyclopedia (1909) : 2 Sam 12:1-4, 2 Sam 14:4, 1 R 20:39 et Is 5:1-8.

Parabole (Bible)

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