
Biographies (230)


Acteurs, danseurs, mannequins (4)


Artistes et architectes (18)


Écrivains, poètes, dramaturges

  1. Kōbō Abe
  2. Achim von Arnim
  3. Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné
  4. Dante Alighieri
  5. Jean Anouilh
  6. Guillaume Apollinaire
  7. Ibn Arabi
  8. Louis Aragon
  9. Aristophane
  10. Antonin Artaud
  11. Miguel Ángel Asturias
  12. Marcel Aymé
  13. Honoré de Balzac
  14. Charles Baudelaire
  15. Joachim du Bellay
  16. Saul Bellow
  17. Jacinto Benavente
  18. Georges Bernanos
  19. William Blake
  20. Karen Blixen
  21. Boccace
  22. Jorge Luis Borges
  23. Bertolt Brecht
  24. André Breton
  25. Charlotte Brontë
  26. Emily Brontë
  27. Pearl Buck
  28. Dino Buzzati
  29. Lord Byron
  30. Pedro Calderón de la Barca
  31. Luís de Camões
  32. Albert Camus
  33. Paul Celan
  34. Louis-Ferdinand Céline
  35. Blaise Cendrars
  36. Miguel de Cervantes Bon article
  37. René Char
  38. François-René de Chateaubriand
  39. Geoffrey Chaucer
  40. Chrétien de Troyes
  41. Paul Claudel
  42. Jean Cocteau
  43. Pierre Corneille
  44. Julio Cortázar
  45. Daniel Defoe
  46. Charles Dickens Article de qualité
  47. Emily Dickinson
  48. Fiodor Dostoïevski
  49. Lawrence Durrell
  50. T. S. Eliot
  51. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  52. Wolfram von Eschenbach
  53. Eschyle
  54. Euripide
  55. William Faulkner
  56. Francis Scott Fitzgerald
  57. Gustave Flaubert
  58. Jean de La Fontaine
  59. Anatole France
  60. Max Frisch
  61. Gabriel García Márquez Bon article
  62. Stefan George
  63. Al-Ghazâlî
  64. André Gide
  65. Jean Giono
  66. Jean Giraudoux
  67. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  68. Maxime Gorki
  69. Sacha Guitry
  70. Julien Green
  71. Hafez (poète)
  72. Mansur al-Hallaj
  73. Peter Handke
  74. Knut Hamsun
  75. Meng Haoran
  76. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  77. Heinrich Heine
  78. Ernest Hemingway
  79. Hésiode
  80. Hermann Hesse
  81. Hölderlin
  82. Homère Bon article
  83. Victor Hugo Bon article
  84. Henrik Ibsen
  85. Henry James
  86. Ruan Ji
  87. Jean de Meung
  88. James Joyce
  89. Franz Kafka
  90. Omar Khayyam
  91. John Keats
  92. Kalidasa
  93. Yasunari Kawabata
  94. Jack Kerouac
  95. Rudyard Kipling
  96. Heinrich von Kleist
  97. Alphonse de Lamartine
  98. Jean de La Bruyère
  99. Selma Lagerlöf
  100. Madame de La Fayette
  101. Pär Lagerkvist
  102. Halldór Laxness
  103. Li Bai
  104. Leconte de Lisle
  105. Mario Vargas Llosa.
  106. Jack London
  107. Maurice Maeterlinck
  108. Naguib Mahfouz
  109. Norman Mailer
  110. Vladimir Maïakovski
  111. Curzio Malaparte
  112. Stéphane Mallarmé
  113. André Malraux
  114. Thomas Mann
  115. Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux
  116. Christopher Marlowe
  117. Clément Marot
  118. François Mauriac
  119. Bashō Matsuo
  120. Herman Melville
  121. Feng Menglong
  122. Prosper Mérimée
  123. Arthur Miller
  124. Henry Miller
  125. Yukio Mishima
  126. Molière
  127. Tirso de Molina
  128. Alberto Moravia
  129. Toni Morrison
  130. Du Mu
  131. Robert Musil
  132. Alfred de Musset
  133. Vladimir Nabokov
  134. Sarojini Naidu
  135. Pablo Neruda
  136. Gérard de Nerval
  137. Novalis
  138. Aboû Nouwâs
  139. Kenzaburō Ōe
  140. Eugene O'Neill
  141. Ovide
  142. Marcel Pagnol
  143. John Dos Passos
  144. Boris Pasternak
  145. Octavio Paz
  146. Charles Perrault
  147. Pétrarque
  148. Pétrone
  149. Pindare
  150. Harold Pinter
  151. Luigi Pirandello
  152. Edgar Allan Poe
  153. Jacques Prévert
  154. Antoine François Prévost
  155. Marcel Proust
  156. Alexandre Pouchkine
  157. François Rabelais
  158. Qu Yuan
  159. Jean Racine
  160. Jean Renart
  161. Rainer Maria Rilke
  162. Arthur Rimbaud
  163. Romain Rolland
  164. Pierre de Ronsard
  165. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  166. Friedrich Rückert
  167. Djalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî
  168. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  169. Saint-John Perse
  170. George Sand
  171. Jean Paul Sartre
  172. Friedrich von Schiller
  173. Arthur Schnitzler
  174. Madame de Sévigné
  175. William Shakespeare
  176. George Bernard Shaw
  177. Mary Shelley
  178. Alexandre Soljenitsyne
  179. Stendhal
  180. John Steinbeck
  181. Graham Swift
  182. Sophocle
  183. August Strindberg
  184. Rabindranath Tagore
  185. Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
  186. Anton Tchekhov
  187. Léon Tolstoï
  188. Georg Trakl
  189. Mark Twain
  190. Tristan Tzara
  191. Eugenio Cruz Vargas
  192. Paul Valéry
  193. Jules Vallès
  194. Lope de Vega
  195. Paul Verlaine
  196. Boris Vian
  197. Alfred de Vigny
  198. François Villon
  199. Virgile
  200. Voltaire
  201. Ernst Wiechert
  202. Tennessee Williams
  203. Virginia Woolf
  204. Liu Xiang
  205. William Butler Yeats
  206. Eiji Yoshikawa
  207. Marguerite Yourcenar
  208. Yuan Zhen
  209. Zhuang Zhou
  210. Émile Zola
  211. Stefan Zweig

Musiciens (compositeurs)

  1. Adam de la Halle
  2. Isaac Albéniz
  3. Ambroise de Milan
  4. Jean-Sébastien Bach
  5. Samuel Barber
  6. Béla Bartók
  7. Ludwig van Beethoven
  8. Vincenzo Bellini
  9. Alban Berg
  10. Hector Berlioz
  11. Leonard Bernstein
  12. Georges Bizet
  13. John Blow
  14. Alexandre Borodine
  15. Lili Boulanger
  16. Pierre Boulez
  17. Johannes Brahms
  18. Anton Bruckner
  19. Dietrich Buxtehude
  20. William Byrd (compositeur)
  21. André Caplet
  22. André Campra
  23. Emmanuel Chabrier
  24. Marc-Antoine Charpentier
  25. Ernest Chausson
  26. Frédéric Chopin Bon article
  27. Muzio Clementi
  28. Aaron Copland
  29. Arcangelo Corelli
  30. François Couperin
  31. Claude Debussy
  32. Léo Delibes
  33. John Dowland
  34. Guillaume Dufay
  35. Paul Dukas
  36. Antonín Dvořák
  37. Georges Enesco
  38. Gabriel Fauré
  39. César Franck
  40. Girolamo Frescobaldi
  41. Philip Glass
  42. Alexandre Glazounov
  43. Henryk Górecki
  44. Charles Gounod
  45. Christoph Willibald Gluck
  46. Enrique Granados
  47. Edvard Grieg
  48. Georg Friedrich Haendel
  49. Joseph Haydn
  50. Paul Hindemith
  51. Vincent d'Indy
  52. Josquin des Prés
  53. Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov
  54. Michel-Richard de Lalande
  55. Édouard Lalo
  56. Roland de Lassus
  57. Jean-Marie Leclair
  58. Franz Lehár
  59. Franz Liszt
  60. Jean-Baptiste Lully
  61. Guillaume de Machaut
  62. Gustav Mahler
  63. Marin Marais
  64. Jules Massenet
  65. Félix Mendelssohn
  66. Olivier Messiaen
  67. Claudio Monteverdi
  68. Modeste Moussorgski
  69. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  70. Johannes Ockeghem
  71. Johann Pachelbel
  72. Arvo Pärt
  73. Krzysztof Penderecki
  74. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
  75. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  76. Giacomo Puccini
  77. Henry Purcell
  78. Jean-Philippe Rameau
  79. Maurice Ravel
  80. Gioachino Rossini
  81. Albert Roussel
  82. Camille Saint-Saëns
  83. Alessandro Scarlatti
  84. Domenico Scarlatti
  85. Arnold Schönberg
  86. Franz Schubert
  87. Robert Schumann
  88. Jean Sibelius
  89. Bedřich Smetana
  90. Karlheinz Stockhausen
  91. Johann Strauss
  92. Richard Strauss
  93. Igor Stravinski
  94. Giuseppe Tartini
  95. Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski
  96. Georg Philipp Telemann
  97. Giuseppe Torelli
  98. Edgard Varèse
  99. Giuseppe Verdi
  100. Tomás Luis de Victoria
  101. Antonio Vivaldi Article de qualité
  102. Richard Wagner
  103. Carl Maria von Weber
  104. Iannis Xenakis

Compositeurs de musique populaire


Interprètes de musique populaire


Musiciens de jazz


Penseurs (16)


Par ordre chonologique

Économistes (9)

  1. Karl Marx (déjà dans penseurs)
  2. Adam Smith (déjà dans penseurs) Article de qualité
  3. Max Weber
  4. William Petty Article de qualité
  5. Milton Friedman Bon article
  6. Alfred Marshall
  7. Thomas Malthus
  8. David Ricardo
  9. John Maynard Keynes Article de qualité

Inventeurs (8)


Personnalités politiques (39)


Personnalités politiques actuelles (10)


Autres (1)

  1. Martin Luther King Article de qualité

Philosophie et psychologie (65)


Philosophie (24)


Psychologie (41)

  1. bahaïsme
    1. The Báb
    2. Bahá'u'lláh
  2. bouddhisme
    1. Gautama Bouddha
    2. Histoire du bouddhisme
    3. Dalaï Lama
  3. christianisme
    1. Bible
    2. l'Église
    3. Histoire du christianisme
    4. Jésus Christ
    5. Protestantisme
      1. Martin Luther
    6. catholicisme
      1. le pape
      2. Jean-Paul II
      3. Benoit XVI
      4. François
    7. Apôtre Paul
  4. confucianisme
    1. Confucius
  5. Dieu
  6. dieux
  7. fantôme
  8. hindouisme Bon article
    1. Histoire de l'hindouisme
  9. islam
    1. Histoire de l'Islam
    2. Mahomet
    3. Coran
    4. mosquée Article de qualité
  10. jaïnisme
  11. judaïsme
    1. Abraham
    2. Histoire du judaïsme
    3. Moïse
    4. Torah
    5. synagogue Article de qualité
  12. shintoïsme
  13. sikhisme
    1. Histoire du sikhisme
    2. Sri Guru Granth Sahib
  14. taoïsme
    1. Lao Tseu
    2. Tao Te King
  15. vaudou
  16. zoroastrisme
    1. Zoroastre

Sciences sociales (40)


questions de société (8)


Économie et société (6)


Organisations internationales (13)


Lettres et langues (28)


Science (331)

  1. algèbre
    1. équation Article de qualité
    2. fonction
    3. variable
  2. calcul
  3. décidabilité et/ou calculabilité
  4. géométrie
    1. cercle
    2. polygone
  5. logique
  6. nombre
    1. entier naturel
    2. nombre réel
    3. nombre complexe
    4. pi
  7. probabilité
  8. statistique
  9. théorie des ensembles
  10. trigonométrie
  1. calendrier
  2. étoile
  3. Système solaire
    1. Soleil
    2. Terre
      1. Lune
    3. Mercure
    4. Vénus
    5. Mars Bon article
    6. Jupiter Article de qualité
    7. Saturne
    8. Uranus
    9. Neptune
    10. Pluton Article de qualité
  4. galaxie
    1. Voie lactée
  5. Big Bang
Concepts de base
  1. accélération
  2. atome
    1. électron Article de qualité
    2. neutron
    3. proton
  3. chaleur
  4. électricité
  5. force
  6. gravité
  7. longueur
  8. magnétisme
  9. masse
  10. rayonnement
  11. surface
  12. temps
  13. vitesse
  14. volume
Notions complexes
  1. acide
  2. atome
  3. base
  4. chimie organique
  5. composé chimique
  6. élément chimique
    1. tableau périodique des éléments
    2. un article pour chacun des éléments chimiques jusqu'à 95, avec la table des propriétés
    3. transuranien
  7. molécule
  8. pH
  9. réaction chimique
  10. sel
  1. animal
    1. aigle
    2. batracien
    3. baleine
    4. bétail
    5. chameau
    6. chat Bon article
    7. cheval
    8. chien
    9. dinosaure
    10. éléphant
    11. insecte
    12. invertébré
    13. lion Article de qualité
    14. oiseau Article de qualité
    15. ours
    16. poisson
    17. mammifère
    18. mouton
    19. rat
    20. reptile Article de qualité
    21. serpent
    22. mollusque
  2. archaea
  3. bactérie
  4. cellule
  5. champignon
  6. clonage
  7. écologie
  8. plante (ou végétal)
    1. algue
    2. arbre
    3. feuille
    4. fleur
  9. protéine
  10. protiste
  11. virus
  12. mimétisme
  13. évolution
  14. biome
  1. contraception
  2. grossesse
    1. fœtus
    2. placenta
  1. tabac
anatomie (26)
  1. bras
    1. main
  2. cheveu
  3. cœur
  4. estomac
  5. foie
  6. intestins
  7. jambe
    1. pied
  8. os
  9. peau
  10. poil
  11. poumon
  12. reins
  13. rate
  14. sein
  15. squelette
  16. testicule
  17. tête
    1. Œil
    2. bouche
      1. dent
    3. nez
    4. oreille
    5. cerveau
  18. utérus
traitements médicaux (3)

le vivant et l'inanimé (5)

  1. être humain
    1. homme
    2. femme
    3. enfant
  2. chose
  1. Alpes
  2. Andes
  3. banquise
  4. fossile
  5. Grande barrière de corail
  6. glacier
  7. Himalaya
  8. minéraux
    1. diamant
    2. quartz
  9. montagne Bon article
  10. roches
    1. charbon
    2. pétrole
    3. gemme
    4. calcaire
    5. granite
    6. grès
    7. silex
  11. tremblement de terre
  12. volcan

habillement (8)


matériaux courants (10)

  1. acier
  2. alliage
  3. bois
  4. bronze
  5. élastomère
  6. laiton
  7. matière plastique
  8. métaux (pour mémoire, métaux courants : or, argent, fer, cuivre, zinc, étain, aluminium, plomb)
  9. pierre
  10. Fer

la transmission de l'information (22)

  1. alphabet
  2. chiffre
  3. couleurs
    1. rouge
    2. jaune
    3. bleu
    4. orange
    5. vert
    6. violet
    7. blanc
    8. noir
  4. écriture
  5. hiéroglyphe Bon article
  6. imprimerie
  7. internet
  8. journal
  9. livre
  10. papier
  11. poste
  12. publicité
  13. Radiodiffusion
  14. téléphone
  15. télévision
  1. agriculture
  2. arme
    1. arc
    2. canon
    3. hache
    4. épée
    5. poudre à canon
  3. bateau
  4. chasse
  5. clou
  6. commerce
  7. corde
  8. élevage
  9. utilisation humaine du feu
  10. levier
  11. métallurgie
  12. mine
  13. monnaie
  14. moulin
  15. pêche
  16. roue
  17. voile
  1. avion
  2. automobile
    1. histoire de l'automobile Article de qualité
  3. bicyclette
  4. chemin de fer
  5. explosif
  6. électricité
  7. électronique
  8. laser
  9. machine à vapeur
  10. moteur à combustion interne
  11. moteur électrique
  12. ordinateur
    1. Linux
    2. logiciel
    3. Microsoft Windows
    4. Mac OS

Arts et loisirs (76)


(manque 3)

Arts visuels (6)


Architecture (21)


Structures spécifiques (12)


Musique, théâtre et danse (19)


Genres (8)

  1. Blues
  2. Jazz
  3. Musique classique
    1. Opéra (musique)
    2. Musique symphonique
    3. Musique de chambre
  4. Rap
  5. Rock

Instruments (6)


Audiovisuel (4)


Sport (13)

  1. Sport
    1. Arts martiaux
    2. Athlétisme Article de qualité
    3. Basket-ball
    4. Compétition automobile
    5. Cyclisme
    6. Football Article de qualité
    7. Natation
    8. Rugby à XIII
    9. Rugby à XV
    10. Ski
    11. Tennis
  2. Jeux olympiques

Jeux (7)


Histoire (42)


Antiquité - période moderne (25)



Moyen Âge
Période moderne



Période contemporaine (12)


Géographie (188)


Principaux concepts (11)


Continents et régions (8)


Un article devrait être consacré à tous les pays du monde, en particulier les 192 pays membres de l'ONU et quelques autres. Certains pays sont cependant prioritaires.

Villes (44)


Hydrographie (30)


Classement détaillé

2004[1] 2010[2] 2021[3] Interprète Titre Date
1 1 4 Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone 1965 ✔️
2 2 31 The Rolling Stones (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction 1965 ✔️
3 3 19 John Lennon Imagine 1971 ✔️
4 4 6 Marvin Gaye What's Going On 1971 ✔️
5 5 1 Aretha Franklin Respect 1967 ✔️
6 6 53 The Beach Boys Good Vibrations 1966
7 7 33 Chuck Berry Johnny B. Goode 1957 ✔️
8 8 89 The Beatles Hey Jude 1968 ✔️
9 9 5 Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit 1991 ✔️
10 10 80 Ray Charles What'd I Say 1959
11 11 232 The Who My Generation 1965
12 12 3 Sam Cooke A Change Is Gonna Come 1964
13 13 72 The Beatles Yesterday 1965
14 14 100 Bob Dylan Blowin' in the Wind 1963
15 15 143 The Clash London Calling 1979
16 16 15 The Beatles I Want to Hold Your Hand 1963
17 17 250 The Jimi Hendrix Experience Purple Haze 1967
18 18 102 Chuck Berry Maybellene 1955
19 19 Elvis Presley Hound Dog 1956
20 20 121 The Beatles Let It Be 1970 ✔️
21 21 27 Bruce Springsteen Born to Run 1975 ✔️
22 22 22 The Ronettes Be My Baby 1963
23 23 98 The Beatles In My Life 1965
24 24 122 The Impressions People Get Ready 1965
25 25 11 The Beach Boys God Only Knows 1966
26 28 24 The Beatles A Day in the Life 1967
27 27 224 Derek and the Dominos Layla 1970
28 26 38 Otis Redding (Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay 1968
29 29 447 The Beatles Help! 1965
30 30 76 Johnny Cash I Walk the Line 1956
31 31 61 Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven 1971 ✔️
32 32 106 The Rolling Stones Sympathy for the Devil 1968 ✔️
33 33 221 Ike and Tina Turner River Deep, Mountain High 1966
34 34 The Righteous Brothers You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 1964
35 35 310 The Doors Light My Fire 1967
36 36 62 U2 One 1992
37 37 140 Bob Marley No Woman, No Cry 1974 ✔️
38 38 13 The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter 1969 ✔️
39 39 124 Buddy Holly and the Crickets That'll Be the Day 1957
40 40 130 Martha and the Vandellas Dancing in the Street 1964
41 41 58 The Band The Weight 1968
42 42 14 The Kinks Waterloo Sunset 1967
43 43 35 Little Richard Tutti Frutti 1955
44 44 283 Ray Charles Georgia on My Mind 1960
45 45 347 Elvis Presley Heartbreak Hotel 1956
46 46 23 David Bowie Heroes 1977 ✔️
47 48 66 Simon and Garfunkel Bridge over Troubled Water 1970
48 47 40 The Jimi Hendrix Experience All Along the Watchtower 1968
49 49 311 Eagles Hotel California 1977 ✔️
50 50 54 Smokey Robinson and the Miracles The Tracks of My Tears 1965
51 51 59 Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five The Message 1982
52 52 37 Prince When Doves Cry 1984
53 56 125 Sex Pistols Anarchy in the U.K. 1976
54 53 Percy Sledge When a Man Loves a Woman 1966
55 54 156 The Kingsmen Louie Louie 1963
56 55 Little Richard Long Tall Sally 1956
57 57 271 Procol Harum A Whiter Shade of Pale 1967
58 58 44 Michael Jackson Billie Jean 1983 ✔️
59 59 Bob Dylan The Times They Are a-Changin' 1964
60 60 84 Al Green Let's Stay Together 1971
61 61 Jerry Lee Lewis Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On 1955
62 62 277 Bo Diddley Bo Diddley 1955
63 63 Buffalo Springfield For What It's Worth 1967
64 64 135 The Beatles She Loves You 1963
65 65 Cream Sunshine of Your Love 1967
66 66 42 Bob Marley and the Wailers Redemption Song 1980
67 67 216 Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock 1957
68 68 67 Bob Dylan Tangled Up in Blue 1975
69 69 461 Roy Orbison Crying 1962
70 70 51 Dionne Warwick Walk On By 1964
71 72 The Beach Boys California Girls 1965
72 71 34 James Brown Papa's Got a Brand New Bag 1965
73 74 432 Eddie Cochran Summertime Blues 1958
74 73 12 Stevie Wonder Superstition 1972 ✔️
75 75 128 Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love 1969
76 76 7 The Beatles Strawberry Fields Forever 1967
77 77 Elvis Presley Mystery Train 1955
78 78 James Brown I Got You (I Feel Good) 1965
79 79 230 The Byrds Mr. Tambourine Man 1965
80 81 119 Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through the Grapevine 1968
81 82 147 Fats Domino Blueberry Hill 1956
82 80 176 The Kinks You Really Got Me 1964
83 83 The Beatles Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 1965
84 84 305 The Police Every Breath You Take 1983
85 85 195 Patsy Cline Crazy 1961
86 86 111 Bruce Springsteen Thunder Road 1975
87 87 201 Johnny Cash Ring of Fire 1963 ✔️
88 88 43 The Temptations My Girl 1964
89 89 420 The Mamas and the Papas California Dreamin' 1965
90 90 170 The Five Satins In the Still of the Night 1956
91 91 70 Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds 1969
92 92 64 Ramones Blitzkrieg Bop 1976
93 93 321 U2 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 1987
94 94 92 Little Richard Good Golly, Miss Molly 1958
95 95 Carl Perkins Blue Suede Shoes 1956
96 96 242 Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire 1957 ✔️
97 97 Chuck Berry Roll Over Beethoven 1956
98 98 274 Al Green Love and Happiness 1973
99 99 227 Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son 1969 ✔️
100 101 The Rolling Stones You Can't Always Get What You Want 1969
101 102 The Jimi Hendrix Experience Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 1968
102 103 Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps Be-Bop-A-Lula 1956
103 104 Donna Summer Hot Stuff 1979 ✔️
104 105 Stevie Wonder Living for the City 1973
105 106 Simon and Garfunkel The Boxer 1969
106 107 164 Bob Dylan Mr. Tambourine Man 1965
107 108 Buddy Holly and the Crickets Not Fade Away 1957
108 109 360 Prince Little Red Corvette 1983
109 110 Van Morrison Brown Eyed Girl 1967
110 111 165 Otis Redding I've Been Loving You Too Long (to Stop Now) 1965
111 112 Hank Williams I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry 1949
112 113 Elvis Presley That's All Right 1954
113 114 375 The Drifters Up on the Roof 1962
114 366 The Crystals Da Doo Ron Ron 1963
115 115 Sam Cooke You Send Me 1957
116 116 The Rolling Stones Honky Tonk Women 1969
117 117 Al Green Take Me to the River 1974
118 119 268 The Isley Brothers Shout (Partie 1 et 2) 1959
119 120 401 Fleetwood Mac Go Your Own Way 1977
120 121 104 The Jackson Five I Want You Back 1969
121 122 131 Ben E. King Stand by Me 1961
122 123 471 The Animals The House of the Rising Sun 1964 ✔️
123 124 James Brown It's a Man's Man's Man's World 1966
124 125 144 The Rolling Stones Jumpin' Jack Flash 1968
125 126 151 The Shirelles Will You Love Me Tomorrow 1960
126 127 Big Joe Turner Shake, Rattle and Roll 1954
127 128 200 David Bowie Changes 1971
128 129 Chuck Berry Rock & Roll Music 1957
129 130 Steppenwolf Born to Be Wild 1968
130 131 141 Rod Stewart Maggie May 1971
131 132 211 U2 With or Without You 1987 ✔️
132 133 Bo Diddley Who Do You Love? 1956
133 134 295 The Who Won't Get Fooled Again 1971
134 135 218 Wilson Pickett In the Midnight Hour 1965
135 136 The Beatles While My Guitar Gently Weeps 1968
136 137 202 Elton John Your Song 1970 ✔️
137 138 243 The Beatles Eleanor Rigby 1966
138 139 57 Sly and the Family Stone Family Affair 1971
139 140 The Beatles I Saw Her Standing There 1963
140 141 148 Led Zeppelin Kashmir 1975
141 142 323 The Everly Brothers All I Have to Do Is Dream 1958
142 143 James Brown and His Famous Flames Please, Please, Please 1956
143 144 18 Prince and the Revolution Purple Rain 1984 ✔️
144 145 Ramones I Wanna Be Sedated 1979
145 146 109 Sly and the Family Stone Everyday People 1968
146 147 300 The B-52's Rock Lobster 1978
147 149 325 Iggy Pop Lust for Life 1977
148 148 Janis Joplin Me and Bobby McGee 1971
149 150 The Everly Brothers Cathy's Clown 1960
150 151 181 The Byrds Eight Miles High 1966
151 152 The Penguins Earth Angel 1954
152 153 The Jimi Hendrix Experience Foxy Lady 1967
153 154 The Beatles A Hard Day's Night 1964
154 155 Buddy Holly and the Crickets Rave On 1958
155 156 152 Creedence Clearwater Revival Proud Mary 1969
156 157 182 Simon and Garfunkel The Sound of Silence 1964 ✔️
157 158 175 The Flamingos I Only Have Eyes for You 1959
158 159 Bill Haley and His Comets (We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock 1955
159 161 81 The Velvet Underground I'm Waiting for the Man 1967
160 162 397 Public Enemy Bring the Noise 1987
161 164 Ray Charles I Can't Stop Loving You 1962
162 165 184 Sinéad O'Connor Nothing Compares 2 U 1990
163 166 17 Queen Bohemian Rhapsody 1975 ✔️
164 163 Johnny Cash Folsom Prison Blues 1955
165 167 71 Tracy Chapman Fast Car 1988 ✔️
166 167 Eminem Lose Yourself 2000
167 168 264 Marvin Gaye Let's Get It On 1973 ✔️
168 169 333 The Temptations Papa Was a Rollin' Stone 1972
169 170 112 R.E.M. Losing My Religion 1991
170 171 225 Joni Mitchell Both Sides Now 1969
171 174 286 ABBA Dancing Queen 1976 ✔️
172 173 199 Aerosmith Dream On 1973 ✔️
173 175 365 Sex Pistols God Save the Queen 1977
174 176 213 The Rolling Stones Paint It, Black 1966
175 177 The Bobby Fuller Four I Fought the Law 1965 ✔️
176 178 The Beach Boys Don't Worry Baby 1964
177 179 219 Tom Petty Free Fallin' 1989 ✔️
178 180 239 Big Star September Gurls 1974
179 181 41 Joy Division Love Will Tear Us Apart 1980
180 182 10 OutKast Hey Ya! 2003
181 183 418 Booker T. and the M.G.'s Green Onions 1962
182 184 The Drifters Save the Last Dance for Me 1960
183 185 B. B. King The Thrill Is Gone 1969
184 186 The Beatles Please Please Me 1963
185 187 83 Bob Dylan Desolation Row 1965
186 189 Aretha Franklin I Never Loved a Man (the Way I Love You) 1967
187 190 AC/DC Back in Black 1980
188 188 Creedence Clearwater Revival Who'll Stop the Rain 1970
189 191 99 Bee Gees Stayin' Alive 1977
190 192 Bob Dylan Knockin' on Heaven's Door 1973
191 193 407 Lynyrd Skynyrd Free Bird 1973 ✔️
192 195 Glen Campbell Wichita Lineman 1968
193 196 The Drifters There Goes My Baby 1959
194 197 370 Buddy Holly Peggy Sue 1957
195 199 The Chantels Maybe 1957
196 198 88 Guns N' Roses Sweet Child O' Mine 1988 ✔️
197 200 Elvis Presley Don't Be Cruel 1956
198 201 The Jimi Hendrix Experience Hey Joe 1966
199 202 252 Parliament Flash Light 1977
200 203 458 Beck Loser 1993
201 204 220 New Order Bizarre Love Triangle 1986
202 205 The Beatles Come Together 1969
203 206 Bob Dylan Positively 4th Street 1965
204 207 136 Otis Redding Try a Little Tenderness 1966
205 208 236 Bill Withers Lean on Me 1972
206 209 78 The Four Tops Reach Out I'll Be There 1966
207 210 The Everly Brothers Bye Bye Love 1957
208 211 413 Them Gloria 1964
209 212 The Beach Boys In My Room 1963
210 213 ? and the Mysterians 96 Tears 1966
211 214 The Beach Boys Caroline, No 1966
212 215 339 Prince 1999 1982
213 217 237 Hank Williams Your Cheatin' Heart 1953
214 216 Neil Young Rockin' in the Free World 1989
215 The Chords Sh-Boom 1954
216 218 The Lovin' Spoonful Do You Believe in Magic 1965
217 219 63 Dolly Parton Jolene 1974
218 220 463 John Lee Hooker Boom Boom 1961
219 221 154 Howlin' Wolf Spoonful 1960
220 222 The Left Banke Walk Away Renée 1966
221 223 180 Lou Reed Walk on the Wild Side 1972
222 224 Roy Orbison Oh, Pretty Woman 1964
223 225 Sly and the Family Stone Dance to the Music 1968
224 229 68 Chic Good Times 1979
225 226 Muddy Waters Hoochie Coochie Man 1954
226 231 Van Morrison Moondance 1970
227 227 146 James Taylor Fire and Rain 1970
228 228 The Clash Should I Stay or Should I Go 1982 ✔️
229 230 425 Muddy Waters Mannish Boy 1955
230 232 Bob Dylan Just Like a Woman 1966
231 233 198 Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing 1982 ✔️
232 234 Roy Orbison Only the Lonely 1960
233 235 The Animals We Gotta Get out of This Place 1965
234 237 The Byrds I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better 1965
235 239 Ray Charles I Got a Woman 1954
236 238 Buddy Holly and the Crickets Everyday 1957
237 240 395 Afrika Bambaataa and the Soulsonic Force Planet Rock 1982
238 241 Patsy Cline I Fall to Pieces 1961
239 243 Dion The Wanderer 1961
240 242 168 Dusty Springfield Son of a Preacher Man 1968
241 244 Sly and the Family Stone Stand! 1969
242 245 149 Elton John Rocket Man 1972 ✔️
243 246 The B-52's Love Shack 1989
244 247 The Spencer Davis Group Gimme Some Lovin' 1966
245 249 The Band The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 1969
246 248 Jackie Wilson (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher 1967
247 250 Sly and the Family Stone Hot Fun in the Summertime 1969
248 251 427 The Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight 1979
249 252 306 Aretha Franklin Chain of Fools 1967
250 253 338 Black Sabbath Paranoid 1970
251 255 Bobby Darin Mack the Knife 1959
252 254 The Drifters Money Honey 1953
253 256 166 Mott the Hoople All the Young Dudes 1972
254 258 AC/DC Highway to Hell 1979 ✔️
255 259 138 Blondie Heart of Glass 1979
256 257 Radiohead Paranoid Android 1997
257 261 The Troggs Wild Thing 1966
258 262 The Who I Can See for Miles 1967
259 264 394 Jeff Buckley Hallelujah 1994 ✔️
260 263 The Dells Oh, What a Night 1956
261 265 113 Stevie Wonder Higher Ground 1973
262 266 Smokey Robinson and the Miracles Ooo Baby Baby 1965
263 267 The Crystals He's a Rebel 1962
264 268 275 Randy Newman Sail Away 1972
265 270 Archie Bell and the Drells Tighten Up 1968
266 269 The Ronettes Walking in the Rain 1964
267 271 387 The New York Dolls Personality Crisis 1973
268 272 U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday 1983 ✔️
269 274 77 The Modern Lovers Roadrunner 1976
270 275 142 George Jones He Stopped Loving Her Today 1980
271 276 The Beach Boys Sloop John B 1966
272 277 Chuck Berry Sweet Little Sixteen 1958
273 278 110 The Beatles Something 1969
274 279 Jefferson Airplane Somebody to Love 1967
275 280 Bruce Springsteen Born in the U.S.A. 1984 ✔️
276 281 186 The Staple Singers I'll Take You There 1972
277 282 David Bowie Ziggy Stardust 1972
278 283 377 The Cure Pictures of You 1990
279 284 The Dixie Cups Chapel of Love 1964
280 285 309 Bill Withers Ain't No Sunshine 1971
281 287 183 Stevie Wonder You Are the Sunshine of My Life 1973
282 288 464 Joni Mitchell Help Me 1974
283 289 Blondie Call Me 1980
284 290 Elvis Costello and the Attractions (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding 1978 ✔️
285 291 Howlin' Wolf Smokestack Lightning 1956
286 292 244 Pavement Summer Babe (Winter Version) 1992
287 293 Run–DMC Walk This Way 1986
288 294 Barrett Strong Money (That's What I Want) 1959
289 295 The Beatles Can't Buy Me Love 1964
290 296 223 Eminem feat. Dido Stan 2000
291 297 The Zombies She's Not There 1964
292 298 The Clash Train in Vain 1980
293 299 Al Green Tired of Being Alone 1971
294 300 Led Zeppelin Black Dog 1971
295 301 The Rolling Stones Street Fighting Man 1968
296 302 260 Bob Marley and the Wailers Get Up, Stand Up 1973
297 303 259 Neil Young Heart of Gold 1971 ✔️
298 305 Blondie One Way or Another 1979
299 304 Prince Sign o' the Times 1987
300 306 55 Madonna Like a Prayer 1988
301 308 Rod Stewart Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? 1978
302 309 253 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain 1975
302 310 The Rolling Stones Ruby Tuesday 1967
304 311 The Beatles With a Little Help from My Friends 1967
305 312 393 James Brown Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud 1968
306 313 The Jam That's Entertainment 1980
307 314 The Teenagers feat. Frankie Lymon Why Do Fools Fall in Love 2001
308 315 Jackie Wilson Lonely Teardrops 1958
309 316 134 Tina Turner What's Love Got to Do with It 1984
310 317 344 Black Sabbath Iron Man 1971
311 318 The Everly Brothers Wake Up Little Susie 1957
312 319 Roy Orbison In Dreams 1963
313 320 299 Screamin' Jay Hawkins I Put a Spell on You 1956
314 321 179 Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb 1979 ✔️
315 322 The Animals Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1965
316 324 302 Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here 1975 ✔️
317 325 Jimmy Cliff Many Rivers to Cross 1969
318 323 396 Elvis Costello Alison 1977
319 326 293 Alice Cooper School's Out 1972
320 328 Led Zeppelin Heartbreaker 1969
321 329 Neil Young Cortez the Killer 1975
322 330 2 Public Enemy Fight the Power 1989
323 331 Patti Smith Group Dancing Barefoot 1979
324 332 499 The Supremes Baby Love 1964
325 333 The Young Rascals Good Lovin' 1966
326 334 196 James Brown Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine 1970
327 335 Jerry Butler and the Impressions For Your Precious Love 1958
328 336 The Doors The End 1967
329 337 Earth, Wind and Fire That's the Way of the World 1975
330 338 Queen We Will Rock You 1977 ✔️
331 339 372 Bonnie Raitt I Can't Make You Love Me 1991 ✔️
332 340 187 Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues 1965
333 341 Norman Greenbaum Spirit in the Sky 1969
334 343 193 The Rolling Stones Wild Horses 1971
335 342 294 The Velvet Underground Sweet Jane 1970
336 346 Aerosmith Walk This Way 1975
337 344 185 Michael Jackson Beat It 1982 ✔️
338 347 Paul McCartney Maybe I'm Amazed 1970
339 348 234 The Supremes You Keep Me Hangin' On 1966
340 349 159 The Who Baba O'Riley 1971 ✔️
341 350 361 Jimmy Cliff The Harder They Come 1972
342 351 Dion Runaround Sue 1961
343 352 LaVern Baker Jim Dandy 1956
344 353 Big Brother and the Holding Company Piece of My Heart 1968
345 354 Ritchie Valens La bamba 1958
346 355 320 2Pac feat. Dr. Dre California Love 1995
347 356 Elton John Candle in the Wind 1974 ✔️
348 357 The Isley Brothers That Lady (Partie 1 et 2) 1973
349 358 Ben E. King Spanish Harlem 1961
350 359 Little Eva The Loco-Motion 1962
351 360 The Platters The Great Pretender 1955
352 361 Elvis Presley All Shook Up 1957
353 362 Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven 1992 ✔️
354 363 Elvis Costello Watching the Detectives 1977
355 364 Creedence Clearwater Revival Bad Moon Rising 1969
356 365 353 Eurythmics Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 1983 ✔️
357 366 188 The Jimi Hendrix Experience Little Wing 1967
358 367 Martha and the Vandellas Nowhere to Run 1965
359 368 Muddy Waters Got My Mojo Working 1957
360 369 273 Roberta Flack Killing Me Softly with His Song 1973
361 371 The Clash Complete Control 1977
362 370 The Beatles All You Need Is Love 1967
363 372 The Box Tops The Letter 1967
364 373 Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited 1965
365 374 269 The Righteous Brothers Unchained Melody 1965
366 375 Bee Gees How Deep Is Your Love 1977
367 376 Cream White Room 1968
368 377 Depeche Mode Personal Jesus 1989
369 378 Bo Diddley I'm a Man 1955
370 349 The Jimi Hendrix Experience The Wind Cries Mary 1967
371 380 The Who I Can't Explain 1965
372 381 173 Television Marquee Moon 1977
373 382 Sam Cooke Wonderful World 1960
374 383 Chuck Berry Brown Eyed Handsome Man 1956
375 384 Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 1979
376 385 Radiohead Fake Plastic Trees 1994
377 387 Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack 1961
378 388 U2 Pride (In the Name of Love) 1984
379 389 174 R.E.M. Radio Free Europe 1981
380 390 Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973 ✔️
381 391 Aaron Neville Tell It Like It Is 1966
382 392 The Verve Bitter Sweet Symphony 1997 ✔️
383 393 410 The Allman Brothers Band Whipping Post 1969
384 394 The Beatles Ticket to Ride 1965
385 395 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Ohio 1970
386 396 Eric B. and Rakim I Know You Got Soul 1987
387 397 47 Elton John Tiny Dancer 1972 ✔️
388 398 The Police Roxanne 1978 ✔️
389 399 The Temptations Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me) 1971
390 400 The Four Tops Baby I Need Your Loving 1964
391 Freda Payne Band of Gold 1970
392 402 Five Stairsteps O-o-h Child 1970
393 401 The Lovin' Spoonful Summer in the City 1966
394 403 Elvis Presley Can't Help Falling in Love 1961
395 404 The Shangri-Las Remember (Walkin' in the Sand) 1964
396 406 Big Star Thirteen 1972
397 405 449 Blue Öyster Cult (Don't Fear) The Reaper 1976
398 407 Lynyrd Skynyrd Sweet Home Alabama 1974 ✔️
399 408 390 Metallica Enter Sandman 1991 ✔️
400 Paul Revere and the Raiders Kicks 1966
401 409 The Shirelles Tonight's the Night 1961
402 410 Sly and the Family Stone Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 1969
403 411 Eddie Cochran C'mon Everybody 1958
404 413 317 Bob Dylan Visions of Johanna 1966
405 414 The Carpenters We've Only Just Begun 1970
406 R. Kelly I Believe I Can Fly 1996
407 415 Nirvana In Bloom 1992
408 416 Aerosmith Sweet Emotion 1975 ✔️
409 Cream Crossroads 1968
410 417 Pixies Monkey Gone to Heaven 1989
411 418 52 Donna Summer I Feel Love 1977
412 419 191 Bobbie Gentry Ode to Billie Joe 1967
413 420 Little Richard The Girl Can't Help It 1956
414 421 The Coasters Young Blood 1957
415 422 483 The Four Tops Can't Help Myself 1965
416 423 209 Don Henley The Boys of Summer 1984
417 425 190 N.W.A Fuck tha Police 1988
418 426 222 Crosby, Stills & Nash Suite: Judy Blue Eyes 1969
419 427 29 Dr. Dre Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang 1992
420 428 The Isley Brothers It's Your Thing 1969
421 429 Billy Joel Piano Man 1973
422 386 The Kinks Lola 1970
423 430 Elvis Presley Blue Suede Shoes 1956
424 433 86 The Rolling Stones Tumbling Dice 1972
425 431 421 The Smiths William, It Was Really Nothing 1984
426 434 Deep Purple Smoke on the Water 1973 ✔️
427 435 U2 New Year's Day 1983
428 Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels Devil with a Blue Dress On / Good Golly, Miss Molly 1966
429 436 Solomon Burke Everybody Needs Somebody to Love 1964
430 437 340 The Clash (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais 1978
431 438 Fats Domino Ain't That a Shame 1955
432 439 470 Gladys Knight and the Pips Midnight Train to Georgia 1973
433 440 Led Zeppelin Ramble On 1969
434 441 Wilson Pickett Mustang Sally 1966
435 443 The Rolling Stones Beast of Burden 1978
436 442 Love Alone Again Or 1968
437 444 Elvis Presley Love Me Tender 1956
438 445 314 The Stooges I Wanna Be Your Dog 1969
439 447 John Cougar Mellencamp Pink Houses 1983
440 446 Salt-N-Pepa Push It 1987
441 449 The Del-Vikings Come Go with Me 1956
442 Little Richard Keep A-Knockin' 1957
443 450 Bob Marley and the Wailers I Shot the Sheriff 1973
444 451 Sonny and Cher I Got You Babe 1965
445 452 467 Nirvana Come as You Are 1992
446 453 278 Toots and the Maytals Pressure Drop 1970
447 454 316 The Shangri-Las Leader of the Pack 1964
448 455 The Velvet Underground Heroin 1967
449 456 280 The Beatles Penny Lane 1967
450 206 Glen Campbell By the Time I Get to Phoenix 1967
451 457 Chubby Checker The Twist 1960
452 458 Sam Cooke Cupid 1961
453 459 Guns N' Roses Paradise City 1989
454 460 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 1971
455 462 Nirvana All Apologies 1993
456 Lloyd Price Stagger Lee 1958
457 461 434 Ramones Sheena Is a Punk Rocker 1977
458 463 Sam & Dave Soul Man 1967
459 465 Muddy Waters Rollin' Stone 1950
460 The Chiffons One Fine Day (en) 1963
461 464 85 Prince and the Revolution Kiss 1986
462 468 The Staple Singers Respect Yourself 1971
463 469 The Beatles Rain 1966
464 470 The Four Tops Standing in the Shadows of Love 1966
465 471 356 Cheap Trick Surrender 1978
466 472 Del Shannon Runaway 1961
467 473 491 Guns N' Roses Welcome to the Jungle 1987
468 The Stooges Search and Destroy 1973
469 345 Carole King It's Too Late 1971
470 Joni Mitchell Free Man in Paris 1974
471 Willie Nelson On the Road Again 1980
472 475 The Supremes Where Did Our Love Go 1964
473 476 Aretha Franklin Do Right Woman – Do Right Man 1967
474 _ 210 Funkadelic One Nation Under a Groove 1978
475 480 245 Beastie Boys Sabotage 1994
476 479 Foreigner I Want to Know What Love Is 1984
477 481 153 Rick James Super Freak 1981
478 483 455 Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit 1967
479 485 LaBelle Lady Marmalade 1974
480 474 462 Van Morrison Into the Mystic 1970
481 486 204 David Bowie Young Americans 1975
482 487 Alice Cooper I'm Eighteen 1970
483 488 108 The Cure Just Like Heaven 1987
484 491 Joan Jett and the Blackhearts I Love Rock 'n' Roll 1982
485 Paul Simon Graceland 1986
486 477 The Smiths How Soon Is Now? 1985
487 489 The Drifters Under the Boardwalk 1964
488 Fleetwood Mac Rhiannon 1976
489 492 251 Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive 1978 ✔️
490 495 The Rolling Stones Brown Sugar 1971
491 Dusty Springfield You Don't Have to Say You Love Me 1966
492 496 Jackson Browne Running on Empty 1978
493 The Crystals Then He Kissed Me 1963
494 Eagles Desperado 1973 ✔️
495 500 Smokey Robinson and the Miracles Shop Around 1960
496 498 The Rolling Stones Miss You 1978
497 499 484 Weezer Buddy Holly 1994
498 Brook Benton Rainy Night in Georgia 1969
499 272 Thin Lizzy The Boys Are Back in Town 1976
500 212 Boston More Than a Feeling 1976 ✔️
100 307 Gnarls Barkley Crazy 2006
118 16 Beyoncé feat. Jay-Z Crazy in Love 2003
160 U2 Moment of Surrender 2009
172 96 Jay-Z 99 Problems 2003
194 Amy Winehouse Rehab 2006
236 46 M.I.A. Paper Planes 2007 ✔️
260 Drapeau des États-Unis Bob Dylan Mississippi 2001
273 Kanye West Jesus Walks 2004
286 36 The White Stripes Seven Nation Army 1994 ✔️
307 Daft Punk One More Time 2001 ✔️
327 Franz Ferdinand Take Me Out 2003
345 U2 Beautiful Day 2000
386 101 Yeah Yeah Yeahs Maps 2004
412 332 Rihanna feat. Jay-Z Umbrella 2007
424 32 The Notorious B.I.G Juicy 1994
432 Green Day American Idiot 2004
448 444 50 Cent In da Club 2003
466 8 Missy Elliott Get Ur Freak On 2001
467 Jay-Z feat. UGK Big Pimpin' 2000
478 155 The Strokes Last Nite 2001
482 93 Kelly Clarkson Since U Been Gone 2004
484 Justin Timberlake Cry Me a River 2002
490 Coldplay Clocks 2003
493 MGMT Time to Pretend 2008 ✔️
494 R. Kelly Ignition (Remix) 2002
497 Bruce Springsteen The Rising 2002
9 Fleetwood Mac Dreams 1977
20 Robyn Dancing On My Own 2010
21 Billie Holiday Strange Fruit 1939
25 Kanye West feat. Pusha T Runaway 2010
26 Joni Mitchell A Case of You (en) 1971
28 Talking Heads Once in a Lifetime (en) 1980
30 Lorde Royals 2011
39 OutKast B.O.B. (en) 2000
45 Kendrick Lamar Alright 2015
48 Radiohead Idioteque 2000
49 Lauryn Hill Doo Wop (That Thing) 1998
50 Daddy Yankee Gasolina 2010
56 Missy Elliott Work It (en) 2000
60 Kate Bush Running Up that Hill 1985 ✔️
65 Earth, Wind and Fire September 1978 ✔️
69 Taylor Swift All Too Well 2012
73 Beyoncé Formation 2016
74 Leonard Cohen Hallelujah 1984
75 Pulp Common People 1996
79 Amy Winehouse Back to Black 2006
82 Adele Rolling in the Deep 2011 ✔️
87 LCD Soundsystem All My Friends (en) 2011
90 Aretha Franklin (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman 1967
91 UGK feat. OutKast International Players Anthem (I Choose You) (en) 2007
94 Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You 1992 ✔️
95 Oasis Wonderwall 1995 ✔️
97 Patti Smith Gloria 1975
103 Alanis Morissette You Oughta Know 1995
105 David Bowie Life on Mars? 1971
107 Wu-Tang Clan C.R.E.A.M. 1994
114 Britney Spears Toxic 2003
115 Etta James At Last 1960
116 Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock (en) It Takes Two (en) 1988
117 Aretha Franklin I Say a Little Prayer 1968 ✔️
118 Radiohead Creep 1992 ✔️
120 X-Ray Spex Oh Bondage Up Yours! (en) 1977
123 Talking Heads This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) (en) 1983
126 George Michael Freedom! '90 1990
127 TLC Waterfalls 1995
129 Drake feat. Majid Jordan (en) Hold On, We're Going Home (en) 1995
132 Eric B. and Rakim Paid in Full 1987
133 Journey Don't Stop Believin' 1981 ✔️
137 Ariana Grande Thank U, Next 2019
139 Madonna Vogue 1990
145 OutKast Ms. Jackson 2000
150 Green Day Basket Case 1994
157 Sonic Youth Teenage Riot 1988
158 The Meters Cissy Strut (en) 1969
160 R.E.M. Nightswimming 1992
161 Madonna Into the Groove 1985
162 Nick Drake Pink Moon 1972
163 Fleetwood Mac Landslide (en) 1975
169 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers American Girl (en) 1976
171 Louis Armstrong What a Wonderful World 1967
172 Nina Simone Mississippi Goddam 1964
177 Van Halen Jump 1983 ✔️
178 Billie Eilish Bad Guy 2019
189 David Bowie Space Oddity 1969
192 Geto Boys Mind Playing Tricks on Me (en) 1991
194 PJ Harvey Rid of Me 1993
197 Ann Peebles I Can't Stand the Rain 1973
203 Stevie Wonder Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours 1970
205 Britney Spears …Baby One More Time 1998
207 Rage Against the Machine Killing in the Name 1992
208 Hole Doll Parts (en) 1992
214 Steely Dan Deacon Blues 1992
215 Mobb Deep Shook Ones Pt. II 1995
217 Stevie Nicks Edge of Seventeen 1981
226 The Smiths There Is a Light That Never Goes Out 1986
228 Beyoncé Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) 2008
229 Woody Guthrie This Land Is Your Land 1951
231 Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) 1987
233 Deee-Lite Groove Is in the Heart 1990
235 New Order Blue Monday 1983
238 Aaliyah Are You That Somebody? (en) 1998
240 Backstreet Boys I Want It That Way 1999
241 Digital Underground The Humpty Dance (en) 1990
246 Faces Ooh La La (en) 1973
247 Joni Mitchell River 1971
248 N.W.A Straight Outta Compton 1988
249 Joan Jett Bad Reputation 1980
254 The Supremes Stop! In the Name of Love 1965
255 Loretta Lynn Coal Miner's Daughter 1970
256 Metallica Master of Puppets 1986
257 Martha Reeves and the Vandellas Heat Wave 1963
258 Gil Scott-Heron The Revolution Will Not Be Televised 1971
261 Curtis Mayfield Pusherman 1972
262 Paul Simon American Tune (en) 1973
263 Dolly Parton Coat of Many Colors 1971
265 The Replacements Left of the Dial 1971
266 Augustus Pablo King Tubby Meets the Rockers Uptown (en) 1974
267 Drake feat. Rihanna Take Care 2011
270 Nine Inch Nails Closer 1994
276 Buzzcocks Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've) 1978
279 Radiohead Karma Police 1997
281 Clipse Grindin' 2002
282 INXS Never Tear Us Apart 1988
284 Leonard Cohen Suzanne 1967
285 Destiny’s Child Say My Name 1999
287 AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long 1980
288 The Funky 4 + 1 That's the Joint (en) 1980
289 Bruce Springsteen Atlantic City (en) 1982
290 Usher feat. Lil Jon and Ludacris Yeah! 2004
291 Phil Collins In the Air Tonight 1981 ✔️
292 A Tribe Called Quest Can I Kick It? (en) 1990
296 Bikini Kill Rebel Girl (en) 1993
297 The Beach Boys Wouldn't It Be Nice 1966
298 Bruce Springsteen Jungleland (en) 1975
301 Bob Seger Night Moves (en) 1976
303 TLC No Scrubs 1999
304 Kraftwerk Trans-Europe Express (en) 1977
308 Liz Phair Divorce Song 1993
312 Isaac Hayes Walk On By 1969
313 Smokey Robinson and the Miracles The Tears of a Clown 1967
315 John Coltrane Pt. 1-Acknowledgement 1965
318 Big Mama Thornton Hound Dog 1953
319 Tears for Fears Everybody Wants to Rule the World 1985
322 Neil Young After the Gold Rush 1970
324 Billy Joel Scenes from an Italian Restaurant (en) 1977
326 Rilo Kiley Portions for Foxes 2004
327 Mary J. Blige Real Love 1992
328 Red Hot Chili Peppers Under the Bridge 1991
329 Bad Bunny Safaera (en) 2020
330 The Notorious B.I.G Big Poppa 1994
331 The Marvelettes Please Mr. Postman 1961
334 The Grateful Dead Ripple (en) 1970
335 Marshall Jefferson Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) (en) 1986
336 Hall and Oates She's Gone (en) 1973
337 Cher Believe 1998
341 The Monkees I'm a Believer 1966
342 Chuck Berry Promised Land 1964
343 The Doobie Brothers What a Fool Believes 1979
346 BTS Dynamite 2020 ✔️
348 Roxy Music Virginia Plain 1972
349 The Zombies Time of the Season 1968
350 John Prine Angel from Montgomery (en) 1971
351 Jorge Ben Ponta de Lança Africano (Umbabarauma) (en) 1976
352 Ice Cube It Was a Good Day 1992
354 Michael Jackson Rock with You 1979
355 Thelma Houston Don't Leave Me This Way 1976
357 Taylor Swift Blank Space 2014
358 Patti Smith Because the Night 1978
359 Fugees Killing Me Softly with His Song 1996
362 Kacey Musgraves Merry Go 'Round (en) 2013
363 Bob Marley and the Wailers Could You Be Loved 1980
364 The Grateful Dead Box of Rain 1970
367 Frank Ocean Thinkin Bout You 2012
368 Soundgarden Black Hole Sun 1994
369 The Cars Just What I Needed 1978
371 Elton John Bennie and the Jets 1973 ✔️
373 Drake Hotline Bling 2015
374 William DeVaughn Be Thankful for What You Got (en) 1974
376 Merle Haggard Mama Tried 1968
378 The Killers Mr. Brightside 2003
379 D'Angelo Untitled (How Does It Feel) (en) 2000
380 Fountains of Wayne Radiation Vibe (en) 1996
381 The Slits Typical Girls 1979
382 Fiona Apple Paper Bag (en) 1999
383 Childish Gambino Redbone (en) 2016
384 Cardi B, J. Balvin, and Bad Bunny I Like It 2018
385 Diana Ross I'm Coming Out 1980
388 DMX Party Up (Up in Here) (en) 1999
389 Pretenders Brass in Pocket 1979
391 Eric Church Springsteen (en) 2011
392 Coldplay Fix You 2005 ✔️
398 Duran Duran Hungry Like the Wolf 1982
399 Sylvester You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) 1978
400 David Bowie Station to Station 1976
402 Bill Withers Lovely Day 1977
403 Rufus and Chaka Khan Ain't Nobody 1983
404 Kiss Rock and Roll All Nite 1975
405 Selena Amor prohibido 1994
406 Run–DMC Sucker M.C.'s (en) 1984
408 Cat Stevens/Yusuf Father and Son 1970
409 Foo Fighters Everlong 1997
411 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 2002
412 Neneh Cherry Buffalo Stance (en) 1988
414 Blondie Dreaming 1979
415 Depeche Mode Enjoy the Silence 1990
416 Pearl Jam Alive 1991
417 Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars Uptown Funk 2015
419 Mariah Carey Fantasy 1995
422 Craig Mack feat. Notorious B.I.G., LL Cool J, Busta Rhymes, Rampage Flava in Ya Ear (Remix) (en) 1994
423 Fiona Apple Criminal (en) 1996
424 Blackstreet feat. Dr. Dre and Queen Pen No Diggity 1996
426 Nicki Minaj Super Bass 2010
428 Harry Styles Sign of the Times 2017
429 Queen and David Bowie Under Pressure 1981 ✔️
430 Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth They Reminisce Over You (en) 1992
431 Prince Adore (en) 1987
433 Pet Shop Boys West End Girls 1984
435 Rush Limelight (en) 1981
436 Carly Rae Jepsen Call Me Maybe 2012 ✔️
437 Lucinda Williams Passionate Kisses (en) 1988
438 Megan Thee Stallion feat. Beyoncé Savage (Remix) 2020
439 Celia Cruz La vida es un carnaval 1998
440 Alicia Keys If I Ain't Got You 2003
441 Miranda Lambert The House That Built Me (en) 2010
442 Motörhead Ace of Spades 1980
443 Fall Out Boy Sugar, We're Goin Down (en) 2005
445 T. Rex Cosmic Dancer 1971
446 Bruce Springsteen Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (en) 1973
448 Erykah Badu Tyrone (en) 1997
450 Neil Young Powderfinger (en) 1979
451 Migos feat. Lil Uzi Vert Bad and Boujee 2016
452 Toto Africa 1982 ✔️
453 Missy Elliot The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) (en) 1997
454 Sister Nancy Bam Bam (en) 1982
456 Lana Del Rey Summertime Sadness 2012 ✔️
457 Bon Jovi Livin' on a Prayer 1986
459 Sade No Ordinary Love 1992 ✔️
460 Steel Pulse Ku Klux Klan 1978
465 Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams Get Lucky 2013 ✔️
466 Luther Vandross Never Too Much (en) 1981
468 Mazzy Star Fade into You 1993
469 Dixie Chicks Goodbye Earl (en) 2000
472 Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill 1977
473 Tammy Wynette Stand by Your Man 1968
474 Curtis Mayfield Move On Up (en) 1970
475 Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation 1989
476 Kris Kristofferson Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down 1970
477 The Go-Go's Our Lips Are Sealed (en) 1981
478 Juvenile feat. Lil Wayne and Mannie Fresh Back That Azz Up (en) 1998
479 Santana Oye cómo va 1970
480 Biz Markie Just a Friend (en) 1989
481 Robert Johnson Cross Road Blues 1937
482 Lady Gaga Bad Romance 2009
485 Azealia Banks 212 2011
486 Lil Wayne A Milli (en) 2009
487 Solange Cranes in the Sky (en) 2016
488 The Weeknd House of Balloons 2011
489 The Breeders Cannonball 1993
490 Lil Nas X Old Town Road 2019
492 Miles Davis So What 1959
493 The Pixies Where Is My Mind? 1988 ✔️
494 Cyndi Lauper Time After Time 1983
495 Carly Simon You're So Vain 1972
496 Harry Nilsson Without You 1971
497 Lizzo Truth Hurts 2017
498 Townes Van Zandt Pancho and Lefty 1972
500 Kanye West Stronger 2007 ✔️
  1. (en) « Lists :: Best :: Rolling Stone - 500 Greatest Songs », sur Dave Tompkins :: Music Database (consulté le )
  2. (en) « Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2010 version) », sur Spotirama,
  3. Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : aucun texte n’a été fourni pour les références nommées RS 2021